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Legends of Valour
Loved this game. Spent hours on this when it was first released. Still have all floppies! This was my whole reason for joining GOG, but still not on GOG or Steam. Please, please, please get this game GOG, this is one of the most important Good Old Games!
Yes,it can be finished and it isn't any more buggy than some of the games in the catalog using dosbox already. I just recently replayed this game and my only complaint was not being able to find an hourglass when I was not able to grab it in the beginning. Game was still fun, more so when I remembered how tonuse the mouse to look around like a modern 1st person. (Right click)
The original game was very buggy and I read that it was not possible to finish it?
In case this hasn't been brought up with the current rights holder - how about making the original 1992 Legends of Valour available on GOG while we wait for the remaster?
I'd have no problems to pay a little something for a DRM-free re-release here (and thus help fund the remaster in the process).
Yes I can confirm he purchase the rights to Legends of Valour and a re-master is in the works.
I now I've not been here for a while. but I thought you should check the video out around 45:00. Charles Hoskinson has bought the rights to this game and is going to remake it. In the meantime, he has just announced it is OPEN; i.e. can you get this up. There's going to be a bunch of people flooding here I suspect. I'm going to link this from the Cardano Reddit page. We really need this up and running.. I'm desparate the play.. Thanks Carl (Crazy Career)
My vote to add this to GOG
Why is this game not available on GOG? This is exactly what GoG stand/stood for, instead we get Japanese visual novels...
As the main inspiration for the Elder Scrolls this import piece of RPG history deserves to b on GOG.
This set the blueprint for the Elder Scrolls series. Deserves to be available!
An interesting piece of video gaming history, here. I'd definitely buy it and have no regrets, even if I only played it a little while and found it too frustrating and dated. It's the first of its kind and an inspiration on many titles to come. It's too important NOT to have.
I never got far in it but an early example of a 'living' world. would love to play again.
It's very sad this game is not available here...
One of the staples of my youth. Love the scale of this game, had great fun exploring the city and its epic dungeons. Working my way up through the guilds, the game was very open ended.
The only one of the inspirations for the Elder Scrolls series still not on GOG. Fix that, please.
Ya, very fun game. For some reason it made even paying rent at your hostle exciting. I never finished it either.
Never finished the game. So curious... So eager to play.
18 comments about this wish