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Hexplore completed
Cmon this legend must be here!
It's one of my favorite games of all time. I will buy it as soon as it's available on GOG.
I dont know how many likes and comment it needs but ill add one : i will buy this game is you make it work
This would be great on GOG!
Too bad this one never came to pass, would be an excellent addition to GOG
Proszę was o tą grę na pewno kupię.
Any news about this game ?
One of my favorite games from the 90's. SImpler than a classic RPG, but really long and fun. I think it was also the last game from "OCEAN" (I can be wrong). Luckily I still keep the CD-ROM. On modern Windows the game freezes, but exists an ".EXE" patch that avoids that (sometimes still freezes the starting movie, but if you press "ESC" when that happens you can still play the game).
Agreed Hexplorer, the best game of the hold school
Please! I had to spent a few months to remember the name for this game! I have played a demo on my friends 166MX back in 1998. It had some revolutionary graphics for that time. I'd pay several moneys for that!
My wishlist number one.
Amazing game with beautiful voxel graphics!
I love the mix of puzzle and iso-monster grinder. The story caught me by surprise as a kid! I hope this gets added so others can discover why first-hand!
One of my landmark games, from which came my forever pseudo. Definitely yes.
I remember the game vividly but had forgotten its name. I was hoping to find it on GOG. This is a truly memorable game. Perhaps not because of the story but because of the gameplay, the traps and the riddles. It is also technically a very interesting game. All in all it does a whole lot of things right and I wish I could play it again.
This needs to happen.
I remember having bought and playing this game to my heart's content. I would like to do so again.
Found the title of the game after googling keywords from about 30' recalling the time I used to play the demo... I would gladly pay for a full version :)
It's an abandonware, but I would pay for a compatible version of this awesome game. GOG did a great job for "Beneath a Steel Sky"...
Beside myself, my ol'dad would love to play again this no-all-stats-and-skill-tree RPG. And I would love to offer him (and share with him) this sweet nostalgia.
I used to play the demo so much, back in the days of fully loaded demo disks from PC Zone! Defo get this added
i love this game, i have it on CD still but no windows 95/98. there are home made patches but they don't work for me. any way would love to see this get some love.
I need it so much
Please please please please! Pleeeeeease?
I have it on CD. I remember playing the demo over and over again until I got my copy. So many good memories.
This brings back fond memories. I used to play this with my cousin when I was a kid, although that was only the demo version. I would love to see this game on GOG.
Epic Rpg, so much fun, I was browsing the net the other day and found a copy for free download, but I'd much rather see it on here and patched properly, the quality of the games on here is so much better than most free sites.
I played the demo years ago, and loved every moment of it playing it time and again. I would love to not only enjoy the full version some day, but also to experience the multiplayer with a good friend on mine. :)
managed to get a fix/patch that allows us to play it on xp or vista, now I can't seem to find the game anywhere:( SHAME!
Welp, I actually have the game's CD and all... but the game just kicks me out after one exact minnute of gameplay.
Make this happen and money shall be thrown at screens.
I only played the demo ages ago, but just stumbled upon this game a few days ago and would be great to see it on GOG!
Such a shame this game doesn't have more recognition. I could only play the Demo as a child but i had so much fun playint it. Let's have hope though :D
Cool game, I actually played a less-than-legal version just a few years ago and I loved it. Would welcome it here!
I would love for this game to show up on GOG. I used to play it back in the 90s but I've lost my copy since then and apparently it doesn't even run on modern computers anyway.
My guess is there are not many people remembering this odd title (I was among them). Good thing about this game is there is a patched copy out there running in Windows 7 x64 so there shouldn't be a problem for GOG to place it here.
only so few votes... :( this game is awesome, how can that be?
Gotta be some way to get people to play this game.
I still remember playing the demo back in the day. It was a lot of fun.
A must for any GOG action rpg game lover
I would pay top dollar for this gem. great game!!!
Great old game! Would buy it on premiere!
A gem of a game that I got working on an ANCIENT laptop. But this game would really deserve an overhaul and made workable on newer systems because folks are missing out! Hell, I'd love to be able to play this on my regular computer.
This was a great voxel based RPG engine. Can't get it to run on modern OSes for the life of me.
only ever saw the demo of Hexplore - played it over and over again. still can't find the full version anywhere - here's hoping.
Definetly good choice for reborn of and old unique game.
I wanted to play this one on multiplayer with my boyfriend for so long when I had it many years ago, but I only ever had one copy of the game. Was never able to complete it, but would love to someday.
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