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Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2
Came here after listening to one of the greatest game soundtracks ever. Please GOG, revive this amazing title!
I would like to get this with high resolution and: "inkl. Deutscher Sprache / Synchro").
Really want to replay this classic
Yes Please! This should be playable nowadays too!
This would be so amazing <3
GOG please add we need this game
The game itself is great. But the ending is a total cliff hanger. A shame we never got a sequel :(
Sometimes I really need a FAKK 2
Memories. Definitely need this added!
need this badly, my original disc no longer works
Still waiting for this. Would be nice to have goodies too and concept art, wallpapers, things that are collecting dust somewhere waiting to be scanned. In memory of Julie Strain, this should be done!
"Julie! Juliiie! Good morning!" - Please add Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 to GOG <3
We need this! <3
GOG, get it done.
Would love to see this on GOG.
Need more games like this
Just finished watching the movie, I'm surprised to find out it had a game that continues after the movie ends and it still isn't on GoG to purchase! Would love to play it!
Por Favor!!!!
GOG please add this game
Please makenthisngame available!
please add it
My biggest wish for GOG! Such a fun, strange adventure in a strange land. The weapons, the menu music, those 2000's graphics. And best of all, Julie <3
Please do add this game, it would make a fine addition to my collection!
I still have my physical copy but it would be great to have it in my digital library as well. Please add Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2!
GOG pls
Gog needs to add this game already
The art style and gameplay was fun
This game was absolutely grate - needs to be on gog!
Yes! Can't believe I haven't heard of this game until now
Yes, please.
Still waiting on this one. Would be great to add to my collection
Another one here, please we need it!
I really hope this game gets released here eventually it's a must have
Why bother? This will only leave us hanging and frustrated like every Ritual Entertainment's games, it ends on a cliffhanger to never be continued. Let's just forget about it and focus on actually complete games.
Another +10 here
In August 2021 Heavy Metal FAKK 2 celebrated its 21st anniversary, it must be here
God, I'd love to buy and replay it every once in a while.
Someone make it happen, please!
Since I saw Heavy Metal 2000 (back?) on Prime Video recently, I've made a point to watch it through (since I haven't), and I thought it would be nice to have the video game sequel, a game I enjoyed WAY back when. Get with Ritual; they're also the ones who made Star Trek Elite Force II which you recently put up! Do something to get this one up, and preserve that amazing title song if you can. Heavy Metal Fire is my desire!
and another one
Another +1 here
Please do the right thing and give us this little gem back
Please release this jewel !
Heavy Metal FAKK 2 celebrated its 21st anniversary precisely in August 2021. Happy birthday Julie. I can't find this great video game anywhere. I've had very few opportunities to play Heavy Metal FAKK 2.
It's possible to get intellectual property rights, says Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive Studios. I miss this game so much. A campaign should be started for this.
please please please , I love this game
I want this badly. Not enough games where you can play hot female protagonists
Nobody wants to make another Heavy Metal game more than those of us who made the 1st one. Such a great franchise! Alas, poor Julie. She was a real angel.
He was trying, but agreement of three parties is needed to release it.
Check out he made a Win 10 self installer works great for me. Just added it to the desktop. Great Game
202 comments about this wish