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GTA: Grand Theft Auto 2
1 +
Folks, as far as I can tell the "" site people keep linking *isn't* official, it's someone's site made to look the same as the official one. I don't think it's a safe recommendation.
Rockstar still offers free downloads of GTA 1 and GTA 2:
You can also get GTA 1 + London 1969 + London 1961 in the fan made Max Pack here:
You can get a slightly updated version of the Max Pack called the Director's Cut here:
All of these work on Windows 11.
I understood that buying the Game in the Steam (EGS, Fanatical - Steam, Humble Bundle - Steam, EA, Rockstar) store and enjoying it is better than waiting for it here (gog) for eternity. |||
A lot of games will never be published in the gog store it is a fact! |||
For different reasons many games will never be published in the gog store - fuck_DRM policy (or at least gog trying to pretend to be a DRM-free store), absurd terms of cooperation that gog is pushing, support policy that is completely frustrating and disappointing, and of course non-professional personnel.
Still not added? :(
Yes add it because its an old game.
Yes please add this game
Actually, the option is still there on rockstar website:
There was an option to download both first and second gta games for free without drm from rockstar website but nowadays that option is gone. Would be nice to see those games here.
Still need GTA 2 with some of the fixes for win10 and LAN play. Please add!
To anyone who stumbles across this in the future: GTA 1&2 are no longer being sold and are completely free by the looks of things, just go look for a download, pretty sure there's an official site made for them too.
I would buy this even for $60.
I like this game
Soul Making
Sound Shaking
Earth Quaking
Not available for free anymore, I'd like to see this one available here.
Wciąż czekamy :)
Would be awesome to see GTA2 on GOG.
(Wouldn't mind seeing the original GTA and GTA London either, but GTA2 is the one I have a real hankering for.)
Still waiting.
Please add GTA 2
I have it as full version from an old pc magazine, but the disc is broken.
Would be nice to have
I would like this.
Since Rockstar Classics was pulled off for whatever reason, maybe they'll consider selling it here.
come on we need some GTA 1 and 2 here its a classic. Steam version isn't really windows 8 friendly and i believe Rockstar took down their free version
And here my vote as well! GTA and GTA 2 is a must!
This is the best version of "classic GTA" - back when sequels actually improved on previous games instead of just being graphics patches.
Rockstar link no longer working....
Seeing it free here on GOG would still be cool though
GTA1 and GTA2 are free from Rockstar's website, tested on WXP and W7 64bit, works perfectly.
its free anyway, just download it from the R* website.
If GOG gets it, it should still be free on this site.
indeed, I subscribed me on the rockstar mailing list and I just got a link via my e-mail to download it, just a zip-file which you can extract to the place you want on your pc. Really awesome, why they never gave something away?
It is free. It should be on <a class="light_un" href="" target="_blank"></a>
I want to response to JoeShmo1's vote; Grand Theft 2 doesn't seem to work at Vista and Windows 7, so yes I totally agree with you JoeShmo1, is great for older games that are not playable in Windows Vista or above. GTA2 is just the classic one with view from above so that's old school style what I want to play again =D
yeah...what he said. It was free on Rockstar's website, and I think you might get them free if you buy some gta title on steam. But GTA 1&2 might very well be totally free of charge from rockstar approved site with another game they made in the past.
Siber, many older games dont work on newer computer systems, which is why I was so happy that GOG obtained Deus Ex, GOG is great!
I dont think I ever played this one, would love to see both classic GTA games on GOG
As part of "Rockstar Classics", it's free and DRM-free on their web-site. Still, this game rocks!
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