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Get Medieval
I would like to +1 everyone asking to add this game, would be great!
Insta buy!
it's my childhood. Come on!
I WILL buy it! Please add this!
Bring it to us GOG! This is the closest we can get to Gauntlet (classic) on PC! The whole essence is in Get Medieval. =D
I would love this on Gog, for Windows 11.
I thought I am only one who know that game but I was wrong (oman from middle east)
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This pumps me up!
please add this game.
Please add this game!
Please add this game.
Add this game please
add this game please
please add this game
Please add this game
I would pay for this!! PLEASEE :D
This game would be playable even today, it one of the best Gauntlet clones, bit budget however made with passion. I loved the humour.
Please add Get Medieval to the GOG store!
I realy miss this game. Glad I'n not the only one.
This game is a blast from the past!
The original version works flawlessly with new ddraw.dll from
good game that was never released in norway. i would buy it on gog if they release it.
Loved Zared the Barbarian! "This area scares me more than drug testing" XD
lets get ready to pumped up!!! this is an amazing gauntlet remake!
its better than the new gauntlet game. huge better. its still one of the best classics out there, with terrific speech and humor. a must have for the gog community. well??? what are we waiting for??
Years ago I played full version of that game and I ended that game. I don`t have CD with that game now, but I want play it one more time.
+1 ofc, played demo version all the time, when i was a child.
One of the most hilarious intros ever:
it has pretty good localisation voices in polish, maybe other languages as well
Need this game ! please ! :P
I remembered playing the demo copy from Shogo, which was also a great game. Spent hours playing the demo with my brother back in the day.
OMG PLZ RELEASE THIS ASAP! With the release of Hammerwatch I once again longed to play this game as well and as I still have an old physical copy of it I went ahead and installed it but of course it doesn't run on my computer any longer :-(. Anyone knows any work arounds? I have win 7 64 bit and it crashes when I start running around with my character...
"Where are all those girly monsters?" Come on, bring it here, do it now!
Tried to reinstall the CD, but it doesn't install on 64 bits system.
Can't wait to see Get Medieval on GOG!!
My favorite of the Gauntlet remakes. Would definitely pick up a copy.
I definitely agree on what the people here have mentioned, just like them I played this one when I was just in elementary shool. This game is definitely a great game that needs to be added here on Please GOG, add this game, this is one of the best games I have ever played and would love it to be added on your wonderful games list.
Yes definitely please! =) +1
Me and my friends loved this when it came out. It would be great to see it on gog. Instant buy, no doubt about it.
Some game info. Wikipedia article: Game review: Game trailer: Intro video: This is a 1998 remake of the classic arcade game Gauntlet. As such, it is basically a dungeon crawler (or more like "dungeon runner" since it is quite fast-paced). It featured four playable characters, each with different speed and attack strength and allowed multiplayer either though LAN or hot-seat (using different controllers for each player). Each character had very many humorous lines that were very entertaining.
Good memories of it, not that long ago I checked multiplayer - and surprise - it was quite decent! Really cool game, would love to play it once again.
Great memories of playing this with my friend, very fun fast paced action to kill some time with.
Definitely an old game, I remember playing it back when I was younger. Would love to play it again!
This game was awesome! I remember picking up the CD for pretty cheap back in the day, years ago... This game is a must for gamers who like almost nonstop action with some light/manageable puzzle elements thrown in.
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