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final fantasy 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
Never gonna happen
Though that is not a decision GoG can make. If Square decides to to PC ports, we can ask GoG to try getting them, but we can't tell GoG to get a PC version that doesn't exist.
A PC port of the original FFVI, I would kill for.
Oh yes, would get all these the moment they appeared.. just don't forget FF1
I wouldn't hold my breath for getting any Square/Enix game without DRM, but I would buy them in a heartbeat if they did show up here.
Is this about the remake by Matrix Software? If so, then I vote for it.
Well, Final Fantasy IV has now been ported to PC, so it is now a valid wish. =)
Charming and underrated entry in the series. Best spread this game.
esp now there's a PC version of this game, i would have bought it on steam but well, it's not available to my region for some silly reason..
Confirmed for PC. Time to start voting!
Ask Square-Enix for the port, GOG can't do this for you (or afford to cross Nintendo by attempting to go the emulation route). If it helps, I just played the Japanese SNES version of FFIV... and it's not that great a game anyway. Suffers from the same kind of laborious, trite storytelling that goes on for ages and cannot be skipped as the newer FF games... and the mechanics aren't as solid as FFIII and FFV where you can actually select the class of your characters.
some of these have already been ported to consoles like GBA and DS so why is a port to PC so unrealistsic? Obviously gog wouldn't be the ones doing the port but if square enix got enough demand from games distributors and sellers why is a port (especially of such such old relatively un-complex games) so unreasonable
this game has been ported to ds before though so perhaps a pc version would be possible?
If you like Final Fantasy, you may also want to check out Soul Saga:
If you like Final Fantasy, you may also want to check out Soul Saga:
non of those were on PC, 7 and 8 were so those could be requested (pretty sure someone did to), but the rest of the games weren't.
i mean, what do you want GOG to do, port all of the games to PC themselves? you have any idea how hard that would be?
You can't get console games on GOG, only PC ones.
This service is for games that already exist on PC, this one does not, ergo you can't just add it.
Original and Ds versions if android and iOS get it why not on PC?
19 comments about this wish