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Fallen haven 2: liberation day completed
i whould love to see both as a HD complete package W10
I finished it recently,but with allot of issues. crashes/colorbugs especially the lan mode is hard to play without crashes.
This great game really needs a little update en I would then definitelly rebuy it.
I have the disc but it always says can't load global data.. :'(.. Absolutely loved this game from my childhood. And I really want them to make it work on windows 8.
Didn't even know there was a sequel. Now I need both.
Fallen Haven 2: Liberation Day is really a GOG. Never played - at least in the single-player category - a better strategy game.
One of the best and must have game ever!
This exists??? Holly crap i need to play this!!!
One of my faves from back in the windows 95/98 days.
Solid TBS that ought to be here.
really cool game with really cool music
I can only subscribe the points of view from the others. It's great and I want to play it again on Win7
Epic sequel to my favorite turn based game! Please make it happen GOG and make us hardcore fans happy forever!
Close to one of the best games i have ever played! But also stands as a constant reminder to me of the stupidity and ignorance of most other turn based strategy games which fail to utilize the so simple and brilliant concept of 'reaction' moves..... The stupidity not to use this is staggering to me,, those game developers would be less stupid if they tripped over a gold nugget they ignored while collecting worthless rocks.
I actually own the original CD-copy of this game, but I can't get it to work on Windows 7. Would love to see it on this site.
Been looking for it for ages, lost my cd copy 10 years ago or so never seen it again...
Ooops, duplicated. Sorry.
16 comments about this wish