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Enemy Nations
I hope this somehow gets picked up. Been wanting to play it for years but it stopped working in Windows 7 and onwards
tutaj mozna pobrac pełną wersję
There is a link to creator web page do download full version
please please please add this for win 10 , thank you! ASSAP great game , way ahead for it's time!
played this so long ago, seemed good at the time.
This game was really cool and did some things no one tried before or after. It has GOG written all over it.
There are ways to get it running on later generations. I got it running on Windows 10. The Multiplayer though could not get to work.
As it was basically limitless players bounded only by the hosts PC specs, it would be a great retro game for a large party of people.
This game is amazing. The perfect blend between command & conquer and sim city, with a sprinkle of sci-fi. If I knew how to port it I would do it myself. As this game is abandonware, it is available for free. To bad it doesn't work on NTFS drives, it needs FAT32.
sighned up to this site just to upvote this! PLZ port it!!! Loved this game
I remember playing the single-player. Loved every minute of it. Did a little research trying to get the game working, and it turns out it's poor publicity was due to the publisher going out of buisness just before the game was due to be distributed.
Yeah, would be defintely a great addition...remember having played it once with a friend!
I remember this game, i could not play it due to i could not stand the 'tone' of the unit responses.
Would love to get this game here. I still have it on CD, but that won't last much longer. The lack of votes is due to the fact that the game was never widely known and I only got it as a free game from a gaming magazine myself. I believe a lot of people would buy the game if they only knew about it, which they would, if they saw it here.
This game is incredible, please dont let it be one of those games that gets lost in time!
Definitely! This game is amazing!
I would love to see this awesome game again!!
17 comments about this wish