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Doom 4
I understood that buying the Game in the Steam (EGS, Fanatical - Steam, Humble Bundle - Steam, EA, Rockstar) store and enjoying it is better than waiting for it here (gog) for eternity. |||
A lot of games will never be published in the gog store it is a fact! |||
For different reasons many games will never be published in the gog store - fuck_DRM policy (or at least gog trying to pretend to be a DRM-free store), absurd terms of cooperation that gog is pushing, support policy that is completely frustrating and disappointing, and of course non-professional personnel.
We need this game on GOG
+1 Vote and +1 Comment to support such a Good Game, remember more Votes and Comments to the game = more chances it will be added to GoG Store!
+1 to DooM (2016) at Gog store!
Doom 2016 & Eternal other missing ones would be really dope to see on GOG
If Bethesda can release Wolfenstein: The New Order + Wolfenstein: The Old Blood on GOG Store, they can definitely release Doom 2016.
Unlike Doom Eternal, which requires a Account and a EULA Agreement,
Doom 2016 does NOT have ANY 3rd-party dependencies.
And so deserves to be on GOG Store!
I originally bought Doom 2016 on PS4 and recently purchased it & Doom Soundtrack on Steam.
I will instantly buy it a third time, if its made available on GOG Store.
Totally! Finally GoG needs a good game that can match with a lot of Spotify playlists
It'd be pretty sick if Doom 4 gets added on GOG sometime this year, as it does seem appropriate due to how 2018 is the Doom franchise's 25th anniversary. I know GOG might have to add other Bethesda games as well (Skyrim, Dishonored, Wolfenstein TNO, etc.), but having the newest edition to the franchise DRM-free on this website seems like it would be a great way to commemorate this legendary series on their behalf.
Hey, make Doom (2016) work for Windows 10. Since I had a bad run in with the demo (And found out that some gamers have problems).
GameKiller01 No Man's Sky came in gog and its in 2016...
HEAR, HEAR! I'd buy this game a second time without hesitation if I could run it without DRM though I'm not holding out that much hope.
I want this! Not buying it on Steam cause I am waiting to buy it here!
Wait, why would a game that's less than 1 year old be put on Good OLD Games?
I recently wrote to Bethesda and asked for a release here on GOG. Sadly all I got was a generic response (it's not like I expected anything else). Still worth a try :)
What a dodgy name they choose.
All to disrupt GOG wishlist with multiple entries for single game :D
Yes please bring DooM 4 to GOG, this will allow me to remove steam for eternity.
Why is doom 4 aka 2016 in your wishlist?
I call you guys a bunce of trolls.
Just buy the dvd or do it online:S
Yep, Doom has been stripped of denuvo like done with INSIDE... time to bring it to GOG
GUYS, this is importatnt! DRM for new DOOM has been REMOVED! Get this game on ASAP please!!!
I'd buy it
Yes, I'd buy it right away from GOG too, I have Steam, I don't care for achievements and all that bull
I'd like to buy the game without malware. No DRM means buy on GOG for me.
Would've liked Doom, but considering it has DRM in it's DRM, it'll unlikely ever come to GOG...
I was tempted in getting Doom 4... I would rather get it through GOG, that way I actually OWN the game.
Yeah, Fuck DENUVO !
Has Denuvo malware, is owned by Bethesda... Play Doom/Doom 2 with wads, they're much better even standalone compared to "Doom 2016".
DRM aside, the biggest roadblock to getting games like DOOM here IMHO is AAA games integrating achievements, trading cards, collectibles, and other features with the distributor's own APIs rather than writing all that stuff themselves to have a game that runs standalone. GOG is part of the way to providing some of that with Galaxy and in an optional manner to boot, but the Galaxy platform is and will be incomplete for probably 1-2 years or more in terms of features and stable out of beta. I believe a lot of big name titles will not take it seriously until there is a stable robust platform as that's something the publishers practically demand these days. Lesser popular titles that have fallen out of favour after 1 to n years may try to stimulate sales by customizing builds etc. but for big name AAAs that will sell solid for a long time, it's a hard sell in the short term. There are exceptions sometimes (ie: Dying Light) but they're currently rare. Lets hope Bethesda and DOOM (2016) are exceptions! :)
This is really unlikely at least currently, maybe in a year or two, the only thing stopping me from playing Doom 4 (via Wine on Linux) is the DRM, so a DRM free version is an absolute must for me to part with my money.
I agree with DaemonlordX. It's not bad, but it has DRM. I guess, we'll see Doom 3 here earlier than Doom 4.
It has Denuvo DRM. Not likely to be fixed anytime soon.
DOOM right now has some heavy DRM. I wouldn't count on a GOG release within the next 10 years. I hope I'm wrong though.
Maybe we end up lucky and'll see DOOM 3 in the meantime...
You know that this new "Doom" relies on heavy DRM-mechanics? Why should even bother with that crappy kind of software?
When I finally get this game (and I sure do want to get it in the near future) I'd like to buy it from GOG.
Doom (2016) turns out to be a great single player game (with tacked on multiplayer). Als @karrenkiller (and others like them) didn't Bethesda proudly announce that after all this time they finally got to release an uncensored Doom game in Germany?
Doom 4, or Doom (2016) because fuck you seems to actually be a great single player game (oh yeah, some shitty multiplayer is tacked on). I'd buy the shit out of this game.
I'm casting my vote for this one. As a long-time Doom veteran, I would absolutely love to be able to play this...without the DRM.
I'd love to have this DRM free.
GOG would do very well to get the new AAA games as well, like this one. If this is released on GOG, I'm buying it in a heartbeat.
I want to play it uncut in germany ... its so bad that some old geezer want to say what i can play and what not -.-
sry my english is bad ... but i want to play the games i like
Looks decent I suppose. Honestly though, the Snapmap feature sounds like the most interesting thing about this gaming.
I have high hopes for this one. It sounds like id knows what people want from this game.
45 comments about this wish