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Descent to Undermountain
Please GoG, DTU +1!!!
Need it
Just do it!
I would also like this game. It would help complete my collection.
It's time GOG. Make it happen.
yay please
Do we want it? yes we do.
Come on , been waiting for this.
Great game, still waiting.
look what they say about it on mobygames
The game box's cover features a painting, "Spellfire", by artist Clyde Caldwell, earlier used as the front cover to Ed Greenwood's 1988 novel of the same name... as well as the front cover to an earlier video game, Westwood's 1992 PC-Engine effort Order of the Griffon!
Originally announced in 1995 (shortly after the release of the original Descent), Descent to Undermountain was supposed to be an RPG powered by the Descent engine and with a strong focus on multiplayer (namely, co-op play). In addition to the absence of the co-op play that was promised, Descent to Undermountain also turned out to be a buggy mess when it was released in Christmas of 1997. Although a patch released in early 1998 seemed to have alleviated some of the game's problems, far too many problems still remain in Descent to Undermountain as it stands today.
Shortly after the game's release, some programmers on the Descent to Undermountain team admitted on a Usenet forum that the game was released even though it was far from finished -- the usual excuse for the buggy, incomplete state of many other games. The reason for the game's premature release was because they wanted to meet the original deadlines for the game -- regardless of whether it was ready for release or not!
Even though the Descent engine was one of the very first to be modified for 3d acceleration (in Descent II), Descent to Undermountain features no 3D support.
From all what I've heard about the game, it sounds like I'd have a good time with it :)
Descent to Undermountain on +1
Ive been waiting for so many years for this to come to GOG.... how come it will not come? What is happening?
please and thank you
Halaster DEMANDS IT!
One of those games i would buy instantly as soon as it appears on GOG. :)
Did anyone else place a cleric and realize you couldn't actually hit anything with the first magic blunt weapon you found?
Still here. Still looking for this game!
Seriously? This has been asked for since 2013 and it is still not an option to buy?
COME ON, GOG!! Get it, sell it, MAKE US HAPPY!
totally buy this one. please.
Jesus god can we get somebody to find the cardboard box that Brian Fargo is sleeping in and get him to sign off on this? Maybe throw a box of supermarket donuts at him. They have to be the supermarket ones that are full of preservatives and were made a few months ago.
I'd buy this, I loved the game back in the day, I still own it, but I would love it on GOG.
and yes I know most people seemed to hate it, but surely there are enough of us who did like and love it to warrant preservation of the game.
Any reason this game isn't on GOG yet?????
Never got to finish the game, please add.
Yup add this game please.
I made it a fair way through the game, but i didnt finish it, I dont have my copy any more and would love to play it again, there were some bugs but it was playable
This game wasn't very good, no, but it absolutely had its bright moments, and I would like to play it again. Actually I think I have an installer somewhere, if GOG would like to try and get this game working. I haven't been able to run it since Windows XP.
Ugh...I know some people think they want this game, but you really don't. It's pretty bad.
Trust me, this game should be forgotten.
I remember this game I played it when it first came was terrible. graphics werent up to par even back then and bugs galor.
This was running on the Descent engine, and released by interplay. You'd think GOG could get it.
This game was TERRIBLE! I hated this game. Loathed it. Could not stand it at all. It made me physically ill.
If came out for sale on GOG, I would buy two copies. Right away. Total impulse purchase.
(GoldBox clones, my mistake!)
I watched video game footage, and while the game looked certainly buggy, it also felt very unique. Furthermore, it seemed to feature thorough and multiple-choice dialogues, as one would expect form the people who later formed Black Isle/Troika/Obsidian!
The game may have been a failure in the technical and commercial aspects, but it still seems like a very important piece of video game history that should be preserved and accessible to those that are curious. Surely, it has more merits on its own than some of the GoldSrc clones from the legacy D&D packs!
I get the impression that GOG has the rights to most, if not all of the old D&D games made under SSI. For the sake of history, for the sake of completeness and for the sake of my own morbid curiosity to know how bad this game is, they should probably put Descent to Undermountain out on this service.
Please please , would love to be able to play it again and finish the game.
Would love to see this release here so I can get closer to completing my collection!
Maybe because I just love D&D games but this is quite a guilty pleasure of mine.
So I hope Hasbro or whoever holds the rights releases this here.
Still waiting this one1
I actually picked up a physical copy of this online recently and have been playing it a bit. Honestly, it's not all that terrible so far (I'm only on the second quest, trying to figure out how to finish the side quest for the reanimated priest skeleton). The way people go on about how bad it is, I was fully expecting it to be on par with Superman 64 or Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis. If we can get Daikatana (also not nearly as horrific as people imply) on here, we can certainly have Descent to Undermountain.
I would like to give this a try too.
Waiting this game too ^_^
I've heard it was terrible but I still want to check it out :)
I remember seeing this years ago, would be interesting to finally play it.
I was able to play it thu 15 years ago... for all its faults, it was fun. Would love to play again. Please port it over!!!
This seems like such a great game on paper but Interplay in their attempt to rush it out the door ended up with a piece of shit instead. Too bad. Can community modding save it? (though it doesn't look like it has much in the way of a "community" to bother fixing what Interplay didn't bother with).
Ah, we need this GoG! Along with Interplays other games, bring back Fallout/2/Tactics!
Yes another game I ran out to get a copy of back in the day! A true pile of junk....... Yes I would buy another copy........ LOL
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