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Dark Sun: Shattered Lands completed
i was wondering if it were possible to cheat in this release of the game like you could in the original...the original had you alter the path on the game's shortcut but since this release runs off dosbox i'm not sure if that's doable
An unknown gem. Great interface, awesome art, a kicking soundtrack, and quite a decent story that really illustrates Dark Sun the world.
Def a game i would get
Al quadim just released today on gog.. Wasnt a great game IMHO, but i vaguely remember I got it in the same pack with shattered lands. Gives me hope.
This is currently my most sought after Grand Old Game.
Throwing cash at my screen the second this comes out.
One of my all time favorite games. Why isn't it here?
YEAH Dark Sun! Make it happen plz and take my money!
First PC RPG I ever played, GOG needs to make this happen.
This would be instantly added to my library!
Take my money.
Was a great RPG because of the fresh Setting. Would be great to play that again!
The first D&D computer RPG that I ever played. And one of the best games that I've played in my entire life!
One of the best CRPGs ever made. I'd love to see it here.
dark sun pls!!!
A classic would love to see on GOG!!
Love this game! Would insta-buy any Kickstarter remake as well.
I don't remember this game as buggy at all, except for some minor dialogue stuff in the sewers. I love this game, and would buy it in a heartbeat. I've finished it loads of times, which is rare for me.
Petition for Dark Sun: Shattered Lands signed by me!
I played and replayed this game so many times during my childhood. I remember just staying in the arena until max level, psionically disintegrating rampagers. Please add this. Instant buy.
Well the comments alone show this game would be profitable to re release. Hope it happens
This is an under-appreciated gem. The Gold Box games are fun and nostalgic but this might be my favorite SSI-era D&D CRPG. There's just something special about Dark Sun that keeps bringing me back.
Cool game this - weapon crafting, psionics, half-giants, what more do you need :0)
I played it some while ago on DOSBox. It was amazing but buggy. Hopefully GOG gets it.
I remember I wanted this game really badly back in the day. I never got to play it. I'd buy this immediately.
Such an amazing game! Do want!!
I love Dark Sun!
I have so many fond memories of this game. It was my first hope of a game that gog might have carried. Alas.
This game is amazing! Used the AD&D system, but is placed in a completely different world and setting from every other D&D game you currently have. Awesome story line as gladiators turned heroes. I would buy this in a heartbeat if it became available (as would my brother) .
Please add this!!!!!
Another classic from the past - one of the better RPGs of its time. Would be a "must buy" for me!
Would love to see this game on GOG.
I loved this game back in the day! It would sometimes randomly crash on me, but I had so much fun playing it, I would just reload my last save! With all the other AD&D stuff available on GOG, why hasn't this been released yet?
One of my favorites, this game ROCKS!
yes, I remember this game, pretty awesome and challenging. Please bring it back !
I loved this game as it came out the sametime as I was reading the Dark Sun books (they are great too, well worth reading). Comparible to the Icewind Dale games but in may respects Dark Sun is better.
Bring them back NOW! Pretty please?
How have these games not made it to GOG yet?
Man, good old DOS memories. I would love to own this game again also.
Games like this should top the wishlist.. or even better be available already. A true masterpiece, great atmosphere, great battles that could be won in many different ways... ahh, spent weeks redoing the final battle till i succeeded at last, you don't see things like that nowadays
How is this not higher on the list???
THE absolute pinnacle of SSI's D&D games, in my opinion. Great setting, great gameplay, lots of freedom. You could go through and slaughter everyone, or be a helpful hero. The locales were awesome, the music was great, the monsters were cool. Yes, it was buggy, but SO much fun! I still own this in the big box, but I would absolutely buy it just because.
Excellent classic RPG, unquestionably one of the games I compare other RPGs against when considering their quality. Insta buy as soon as it arrives. :)
I'd buy this. In fact I checked in on GOG just to see if this game was available.
One of the first DnD RPGs I ever was pretty awesome.
This game was buggy, and I never did beat it. I'd relish the chance to go back to Athas as a gladiator once more. Bring it back, GOG!
Oi, I'd love to see this added! I'd definitely buy it lol
I had this game as a kid and got all the way to the last humongous battle but could never beat it. Please bring it back so I can finally finish the damn thing!
53 comments about this wish