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Cyberia completed
hello gog guys. Any chance to see Cyberia series soon:) maybe next year
This was the game that made get a computer after seeing it on a friend's house. "Watch out! Magnetic mines!!"... "Fighters coming in!"... Please can we get this for Christmas? Please, please, please!!
This game is my first CD-ROM game which was given as a gift by IBM (IBM Aptiva) in 1996. What an amazing game.
I love this game.
I would lose my mind (and however much money you want) if I could play Cyberia 1&2 again.
The Game Informer release Super Replay of this game sold me on wanting it here on
I loved this game! I used to play it nonstop back on my Win95 machine. Ahh..the good ol' days.
It also had a sequel as well. I would greatly appreciate it if you could get both of them on this site! Thanks!
:) Still have the disc.
:( Still doesn't run properly in win7 or dosbox.
Please please please!!
I can only remember one thing about this game.. It's just some dude yelling "Gia, quit screwing around!"... It haunts my dreams. PLEASE HELP ME END MY TORMENT BY ALLOWING ME TO REMEMBER THE REST
One of the best created game ever.
would love to see this game on GoG :)
Haha, that was an awesome game! I used to die all the time, but I still kept coming back.^^
14 comments about this wish