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Corridor 7: Alien Invasion completed
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To wait for GOG to add it.
You can play it here. It's on browser but it has the advantage of being the CD version.
If the speed of the game is not fast enough do CTRL + F12.
If the speed of the game is too fast do CTRL + F11.
All in all it works under the DOSBOX emulator.
This game was so crap and I want it.
why this game not available yet on GOG??? WTF GOG!?!
Not my favorite shooter but I did have fun with it. I'd buy it as soon as available though. I have to admit I knida miss it.
While C7 was well behind technical standards of the time it hit the shelves, the fact people still talk about it is a testament to its hidden qualities. Make no mistakes, it can't hold a candle to Doom; but C7 has some merits in its own right, such as night vision, morphing enemies, and a remarkably satisfying sound design. Wouldn't be a misfit on GOG.
This has always been a great game and even though I own three different physical copies, I'd still drop a few bucks for a GOG release. I wouldn't get your hope up on a GOG release anytime soon though. Many people, myself included, has searched for whomever might hold the rights to Capstone's library with no success. Even Les Bird (C7 Programmer) isn't sure if anyone even owns them now. Perhaps the sleuths at GOG can sniff out what the rest of us have been unable to for all these years. I've always been a huge fan of this underrated shooter. A google search may even lead you to my seemingly well known, but very outdated fansite on the internet. ;-)
I remember enjoying the demo, it had some interesting ideas, even though part of the level design was just mean (visor battery drying up fast and the visor being mandatory to detect laser fields) , but all in all the game was imaginative and creative.
No Capstone game might be exactly *good*, but it's definitely a memory worth replaying.
Also, we can make the same tired joke again and again, Daikatana is on GOG, Mystery of the Druids is on GOG, why not Capstone games? Yes, even Op. Body Count, why the heck not...
Although being completely abandonware/lostware I wonder how GOG could get the rights to publish it...
Maybe ask Les Bird or some of the old Capstone staff, wherever they may be?
Better than some people claim, would love to see it here, especially the CD version. Please don't curate this one out.
Why is this game not here?!!
please .... i want this game
One of the better more innovative Wolf 3D clones :-) Make sure you use the enhanced CD-ROM version.
I loved this game as a kid. This was actually the first real game I ever played on a computer and the first FPS I ever played. Sadly, I never got to play the CD version that had extra levels and additional features. I would love the chance to play it and hope GOG adds it.
GOG already has some of the most awesome games using the wolf3d engine
Blake Stone, Rise of the Triad... this would be a nice addition.
As a kid, i loved playing this game with friends after school and they were good memories. If GOG allows, i would mail/send them the CD that i currently own. Still in excellent condition.
The M-343 Tri-barrel Power Blaster. A Triple-barreled fully-automatic shotgun! This weapon alone makes this a must have in my collection. Please make it so GOG.
Surprisingly fun. Obviously not as good looking as Doom, but after over 20 years, such graphical discussions are no longer relevant. The atmosphere is pretty good and the minimap searching all the enemies reminds me of the Motion Tracker from Aliens. Would be a fun romp.
Man, I would so love to see the CD version of this game here. Scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. Those shapeshifting aliens and that red skull boss that randomly pops out in front of you...
A tremendously poopy game, but I'd still buy it for a gag.
If they would get the cd version of the game I would buy it from gog no hesitation.
I would definitely buy this again if the cd version was brought onto the site. The most unfairly maligned classic fps of all time as far as I'm concerned.
Corridor 7 was vastly underrated. After all these years I can STILL hear the terrifying sound of one of the red horned 'boss' aliens hiding round the next corner. It was difficult sometimes not to simply... RUN AWAY!!.. until I grew a pair. It brings that fear to mind even 20 years! Bring it back!!
Maybe the best *horror* FPS made on Wolfenstein 3D engine ever! This game's design make me feel very cozy and comfortable. Don't know why, maybe it's about sound effect & old school music.
Saw this on LGR. Would love to give it a blast.
If you do plan to sell it, try and get the CD-Version since it had additional features. ^_^
I would love to see this game on GOG.
There was a sequel in development called (wait for it) Corridor 8. It was sadly canceled. More info here:
Video Review:
I for one would love to see this game on GoG too, seems like an interesting game and shows off pretty well what Wolf3D-engine was capable of.
I had this too. Was pretty good as I remember it.
I too would like to see this game on here - and yes, the CD version at that. It's an under-appreciated gem of a classic, IMO, even if I didn't spend hours and hours and hours playing it.
This game was better than people give it credit for. Capstone stupidly marketed it as a Doom competitor, which set it up for failure. As a Wolfenstein-like it's actually one of the better ones, IMO.
Agreed, also I'd like to see some more old (and I mean OLD) first person shooters on GOG. C7 is a minor classic among corridor shooters.
A wrongfully underrated and unappreciated classic from Capstone using a modified Wolf3D engine. I still own the original extended CD version of it but can't get it to work. Pleasee GOG, bring it back to life it deserves better than being forgotten!
Fantastic Game! Preferably the somewhat-rare CD edition.
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