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Castle of the Winds
play <a <a href="href=""></a>" class="light_un" target="_blank">href=""></a></a>
"Castle of the Winds" is a nostalgic gem for fans of classic RPGs! A must-read for anyone curious about its legacy -
PLEASE add this game!!! i have been playing it since it came out on the ShareWare CDs and i want to play it again! but its not compatible with Windows 10/11
Not add yet ???
Please add both COTW 1 and 2.
Castle of the Winds is one of the best games I have ever played. Castle of the Winds disk 1 & 2. Please find and have it for sale.
Since it was originally made for Windows 3.* it was written as 16-bit so if you are on a 64-bit version of windows it doesn't work without some sort of program to help you play it. It would be nice to not need to have to figure that out to play an old game like this.
you can play the game on the browser
you welcome
found a place hosting Castle of the Winds 2: Lifthransir’s Bane in-browser:
You can run Castle of the Winds in Windows 10 thankfully to this great program!
Start here, scroll down to the zip link and download. It worked when I tried it a moment before posting.
I guess this being on GOG will never happen.. such a shame.
Are you still offering the zip, 73vwtodd?
If you want to just play, you don't need to ask GOG because has already set up a webhosted dosbox version.
I'd still love it if GOG made a working dosbox setup available for download; the download link is just the 16-bit game itself.
Shoot... looks like that link no longer works. Well, anyway... I have the zip file if anyone wants it. It seems to be a last compile that he did to make sure it worked well with Windows 7. I played it off-and on while I was on a cruise a few weeks ago. Worked great on my small Windows 7 netbook. (You'll need directional keys though)
Anyway, search for "" and download that where you can find it. It should be 679k.
For anyone who's interested... the guy who developed the game originally back in the day, this is the link he's made available to download both Castle of the Winds 1 and 2.
Also, for what it's worth, the way they are configured "now" in those two executables that are zipped in there, the game installs and runs flawlessly on Windows 7 64-bit and higher, as-is without any additional configuration. Hope that helps...
Would love to have that,i just spend 1 hours trying to figure out how to set a virtual machine and still nothing
the game is free and the link is available in wikipedia. That being said, it would be marvelous if GOG could host the game here among other classics. GOG should have a hall of fame for RPGs and castle of the winds should be at the top.
Just adding a comment to share my love for this classic. PLEASE make it GOG!!
Would LOVE to see this brought to GOG!!! My brother and I LOVED this game back in the day! Would be so nice to have it available to play on a modern machine. Even cooler if someone could make an iOS/Android version!
I loved this game too, played till my old pc broke down, had win98, used it till 2009, than the pc took his last breaths and died....... next new pc had win7 and it was impossible to play it, only with virtual machine, but sometimes it corruped my savefiles......-.-
Loved playing this game as a kid and would love to play it again :) Still have the old floppy disks floating around at my parents somewhere......makes me nostalgic just thinking about it!
while i do have a virtual machine set up to run the free version of CoTW 1 & 2, and while i had it for my own back when i was little, i'd *still* love it if GOG could make a ready-to-go version of it. i'd pay for it, tbh. for one thing, it'd be easier to play and run. for another, i wouldn't have to set up a new damn virtual machine whenever i get a new computer, and lastly (and this is important) it'd make the game accessible to kids who'd never had the chance to play it and create new fans for this wonderful game. it was a part of my childhood, and i hope kids today can have it be a part of theirs, too. also it'd be more accessible to adult fans who just don't have the patience or know-how to set up a virtual machine, so there's that.
i'd for sure pay for it, if GOG put it on their site, particularly if they remastered it. i love these games. after all this time, i've still kept the original floppy drive i had it on, even tho it stopped working like 20 years ago haha
Wow Castle of the Winds 1 & 2 would be really nice to see made working on modern Windows platform on Hope this can still be done!
@ everyone who's saying they'd be happy to pay for this - Rick Saada made it public domain, which means yes, it can be legally sold for profit. However there are many sites available to download COTW from and multiple places explaining how to acquire and set up a free virtual machine as well as how to run windows 3.1(and hence, COTW) in DOSBox.
While I wouldn't mind seeing this packaged as a freebie, ready to go, I wouldn't pay for it. Especially since I was one of those who bought the registered version back in the day(I still have the disks too).
WOULD LOVE TO PLAY THIS AGAIN ! I was actually just talking to some friends about it today and we decided to look for it. a GOG must have
Still have copies of this wonderful game on various old memory sticks. I'd happily pay for a copy that works on Windows 7+, and if said 'new' version could load old saved games, so much the better!
"In 1998, the author, Rick Saada, decided to make it public domain and allowed the registered and shareware versions to be freely distributed, but he did not release the source code."
Loved playing this back in the day. Many great memories, and started my long history of playing rogue-likes. Please make this available on GoG (both parts).
I also know others who would enjoy this. Make it free or even just $0.99 and I strongly believe many would appreciate it and would hopefully bring more people over to GoG.
I'd love to see this able to run on a modern system. I'd buy it in a heartbeat!
GREAT, great, classic game. I played the demo as a kid and couldn't find it for years, then I found it as freeware online......ah the good days. I love this game, but I'm not sure what GoG would consider a fair price on it.
Playing this as a kid in elementary school, one of my earliest gaming memory and a pretty cool roguelike-ish game.
Adored this game! Playing through dosbox is a real pain so I'd gladly pay a couple bucks to get a version that runs on modern Windows. Must contain both parts though (1 and 2).
I would be happy to pay a few pounds for this if GOG take the time to make it available for Windows 7. Classic game!
Major nostalgia remembering this. If it were any other game from days of yore, I'd agree on $0.99. This game though, I'd be happy to throw a few bucks at for a version compatible with a current OS. I'd absolutely play my money's worth.
If this goes up for anything more than $0.99 I will be quite ashamed. This game is great but should remain free. The 99 cents should just be used to keep it hosted. But I would love to see this in GOG format so it can be used on Win7/8
<sigh> so many memories.
+1 for win7
I searched for a way to make this work on modern computer and it seems the only way to get it work is using virtual machine. So I think the amount of work for gog to get it done somehow is imense. Sad, I really want that too :(
So many fond memories of this game. I would absolutely love to see it available on gog.
This is a classic from my childhood, and I genuinely wish I could easily access it again. Unfortunately it's not easy to get running these days, and when I recommend it to friends, they refuse to go through the hastle, even if it is free. Please, GOG! Bring us this awesome game!
re: getting it to work on modern computers, I'm pretty sure I had this working flawlessly circa 2007 on a Core 2 Duo running Ubuntu (Wine.) Let me check...yeah, it has "platinum" status ( If you're a diehard windows user, you could always do a Linux install in Virtualbox. Ah, the irony... anyway, since GOG is preparing to do Linux games, this would make a fine freebie to offer. One of the better rogue-likes I've played.
I remember playing the hell out of this game back in the day. It's so simple yet so addictingly fun with tons of replayability. It's free to download these days, but doesn't work on new computers. I would gladly pay for the ability to play this game on Win7/8! Please bring Castle of the Winds 1 and 2 to GOG!
+1 oh yes oh yes
I would gladly pay the $5 (or more, actually) if i could play this game on new systems. someone here mentioned that they emailed the creator, can you maybe suggest to him GOG? his game would make money again. i'd love to see this game, i never got to finish it, only had the shareware version.
Remember kids, don't put unidentified helmets on... they could be cursed!
It would be awesome if GOG could get this to work! For me, i have to run a VM; Parallels Workstation, running Win2K, to play it... a bit inconvenient...
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