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It's probably never happening given Grin's fate but I would love this one.
I would love to see Ballistics here! The fastest racing game ever.
With 4000+ kph through tunnels.....mad!
that said, the game crashes from time to time, needs an update ...
I have still a digital copy, my CD broke because it went too fast in the CD drive xD
awesome game!!!
+1 would love this one.
yes please it is quite rare
please release this epic race game with great emotions from speed feelings!
I will mail my own copy off to the GOG offices if it mean we get to have this game!
Is there any game as fast as this one?!
Epic racing game, i'll be great if this was on GOG <3
I miss this game very much. Would buy it in a heartbeat.
Oh I remember this game. When this game first came out PC requirements were much higher than average system of that time :) I really would love to see this game on GOG store.
Looks great, reminds me of XGRA on the Xbox.
14 comments about this wish