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Aliens Vs. Predator completed
oh god, is again not available in germany???
Is it just me or is this game no longer available on GOG? I can't seem to find it, yet I would love to spend cash on having this in my library here.
any possibility on this coming out for mac? my friends and i used to have large avp lan parties. loads of fun.
Assuming the majority of people voting for this voted for the 1999/2000 game, this can be considered "in-progress". :)
AVP2 or AVP2:PH would be better, but I'll take what I can get =D
We want this game.
Duplicate of
Please add. They haven't made a good avp game since.
AVP (1999) and AVP2 are the best Aliens games! Hope to see them on catalog soon..
If gamersgate has this DRM free, why is it not on gog?
@shrike1313: Doesn't hold a candle to the sequel? The sequel was "rebalanced" in a crappy way which ruined things, and most importantly the sequel wasn't even slightly scary.
This game could scare the crap out of you as the marine. As the predator, you felt like God... until you got overwhelmed or spotted by guys with massive guns. As the alien... *scutter* *scutter* *scutter* **NOM NOM NOM**!
One of the few games I played multiplayer (back with a 14.4k Modem! Or was it even slower than that?). Nothing beats the feeling of running through vents (as the alien of course), killing and then munching the head off a marine, then running back up while his buddies shoot frantically trying to hit you.
This game is on gamersgate DRM free. However gog would still be best!
I am going to be blunt here: Aliens Versus Predator is a great game. while it does not hold a candle to the sequel, AVP 2, AVP should be on, and more specifically, it must be in it's Classic 2000 form, as it will work flawlessly on modern PC'S. I do own a retail copy of the game, but even I know that it won't run on my computer properly, so AVP Classic 2000 needs to be on, as this is a fun game and should never be exclusive to steam. This gem needs to be on, in it's Classic 2000 version and fast!
Can provide
In addition:
Mac version
7 Map Paks
2 beta version maps (Adam, Mult)
All files including Russian textual translation
We want on gog this game:
DRM free version on would be great. With dedicated servers.
A source of the original game is required to play it in modern machines so GOG, could you please?
This game is listed on Steam as "Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000", it would be great if it was on gog as well.
I agree, Slushy. This is the scariest game i ever played.
The 1999 AVP, please!
THE best multiplayer experience... period. I have never played such interesting games as the modes found in this game. Nor have I ever screamed out in fear as often as I did in this game. The Marine single player mission was f-ing terrifying, the Alien was perfectly done, and the Predator just made you feel like a bad ass. This title definately belongs on GOG... show the kids of today what fear feels like. It sounds a lot like "bleep bleep.... bleep bleep .... bleep bleep bleep AaaaaAAAaaaAaaRRRaaaa!" :)
To clarify, we *are* talking about the 1999 release here, right? Incidentally, I may be mistaken, but before I actually signed up to GoG, I could have SWORN I saw Aliens Vs Predator: Gold Edition in the listings... were my eyes deceiving me, or...?
Being an alien and hissing at people was the best bit!
Just got my vote. the 1999 version would be great since it had lossless (redbook) music and since it had some videos that were missing from the 2010 re-release.
I would hope this would be for the classic 1999 version.
Who would want the version from 2010?? That one is a candidate for the Angry Video Game Nerd.
Mine was for the 1999 game too. I forgot that there was a 2010 game with the same title. Someone needs to add a "('99)"/"(2010)" to the title to avoid possible confusion!
Hmmm so which version is this for? When I voted I was voting for the original PC version. Though I'm sure there are plenty of votes on here meant for the newer version.
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