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Alien Trilogy
Throwing in my support for anyone listening. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Yes this game absolutly needs to be preserved aah childhood memories :)
Would absolutely love to see this game back It is one of my all time favourites. I still have my old PS2 and the alien trilogy disc but the PS2 won't last forever. It's already old! When it's gone so is the game sadly :( Please bring it back if possible
Make it happen, GOG.
I completely forgot about this game until I was watching Alien movies and thinking about the games. I never owned or played this because I'm sensitive. I have manned up since then and I'd really love to experience this game :)
If you want Alien Trilogy, ask Throwback about it. They're holding it up.
If GoG can truly bring back Alien Trilogy best present that would be!
It would be amazing if Alien Trilogy was made available.
Likely not going to happen, because of the license, but if it does, it'd be a instant buy for me.
All the great Star Trek games came, too.
Yes please, Alien Trilogy and Alien Resurrection...
That would be amazing
i love Alien Trilogy, please do something for this dream.
I would LOVE to have this readily available for PC truly hope to see it on the platform some day. Such a great old-school FPS.
i'd buy it
this a must buy if it did ever come to gog
I need this on GOG. Come on...
AT is a good game, you can buy it digitally by the way if anyone wants it.
I played when I was 12, but I still remember the music and gameplay of this 90´s iconic game, please add it!
Calculin. I believe Alien Resurrection was a PlayStation exclusive, it was never released on PC.
Wow First comment was 2012 & we're now in 2018 & no progress Boooo Shame! It's a fab game. I have it on PC CD & Ps2 disc. Obvs can't use it on PC anymore as it won't work on XP or higher. Not unless anyone out there has any fixes? Would be awesome to have this working on PC again. Damn! :)
I want to buy this and Alien Resurrection in GOG. Please add!
This was the very first FPS I ever finished, and I still remember the thrill and atmosphere vividly. Pls find the license holder and make it available again.
Would love for this title to be on GOG, shame about the licensing issues.
I wish they could figure out who owns the rights since the studios are now defunct. I mean there has to be someone that owns it.
Oh please, please, please GOG. Mae it happend. I have the game on PS1 but it's a must have on PC too.
"Why isn't this already on GOG?! " Because it is a licensed IP and invloves defunct studios, therefore will likely never be available again and permanently be abandonware.
I was wrong in my former post. Got it to run via DosBox and Alien Trilogy clearly does have mouse support. :)
I still have the CD and package to this. Although it says “gamepad” on the box, it would be a nice touch if mouse support could be added. It worked only with a keyboard on my PC at that time …
Oh yes please! Preferably with the ps version's sounds as iir they were more atmospheric
yes please
It would be so amazing to play this great game again.
A must have on GOG. Do it.
My favorite game growing up.
GOG I have trawled the internet trying to find a solution to get this game to play through dosbox with the soundtrack. . .but the music doesntwork. I will insta buy this for whatever price if you release it.
Oh man, this is a no-brainer. Why isn't this already on GOG?!
I want this game,is amazing.
Insta-buy from me GOG.
This please, I prefer this over all the other classic FPS like DOOM and Wolfenstein. I own the UK big box version but would love a digital version.
Out of all the games, I really want this one!
I managed to find a .iso version of the game and with a patch from here and another from there I put the game playing at 16-bit color (looks like the PS1 game with all the lighting and less dithering) and tinkering with dosbox I put it playing the cd music from my drive. Basically combined the crack that is out there with the full .iso and a 16-bit TRILOGY.exe for better graphics. Runs a little too fast even in DosBox though.
Have a retail release of the German version which was missing all human enemies. Would love to finally own the uncut version. One of my favourite "Doomish" FPS games.
I have a copy of this one for PC! A release with the soundtrack would be super.
Along with Forsaken would be great to see this up on gog. A reliable fix for the speed issue would be lovely also.
46 comments about this wish