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It's open source and enhanced now, but still GOG should have it in its library!
@Wild_Eep: I didn't mean to suggest my link was the /best/ place to get it, it was just /a/ place. Definitely check out antrad88's link/thread.
So even after antrad88 links his free 2016 port (he's AntonioR on moddb) where the music is fixed, tfishell's three months of research suggests the best link is only a 2011 port on moddb? Interesting. What does the older version do better than antrad88's open source version? Looks like Protektor gets 657 downloads per year whereas AntonioR gets 504 per year.
I played this game before I was 16, it scared me a lot.
One vote from me. ,
I'd love to have Abuse offered by GOG. It would be nice if GOG went and asked Dave Taylor again to bring the game to GOG now that Desura is no more.
Where is the best place to get the game currently? Link?
I love Abuse game. And i LOVE if GOG bring this cool game also whit the linux version. Here's my vote! ^^
Hmm... On the topic of "grab the game from Desura":
"OnePlay has recently bought the Desura and Royale assets from Bad Juju. We are working hard behind the scenes to relaunch your favorite indie gaming platform"
My condolences to the Desura community which might or might not be screwed by now...
Well, Dave, how about GOG now that Desura has bit the big one?
Like you, I am not a fan of commercialism which is why I avoid Steam when I can, but I actually don't see GOG that way; they're one of the few "good guys", IMO, who care about both customers and their games. They are also the only digital distribution site I don't feel dirty buying from!
Regardless, the SDL and other ports are great and mean we really don't NEED Abuse officially released on GOG... it's just a shame it isn't, as I feel it would give a little gem much greater attention.
I made a thread about the latest Abuse SDL port and the list of updates, check it out here:
@Dave Taylor
Gotta say I', pretty dissapointed in that descision. GOG doesn't stop the game from being available open source, you coul just as easily release the game on here AND open source on here for free just like several other DOS and ScummV games on this platform! You'd probably have to come to a special agreement with the GOG guys but I'm sure it's possible (Betheda have made it possible to get Arena and Daggerfall on here open source and free with other Bethesda games eg old id software games). Mostly saying this because I'm not a huge fan of Desura
Gonna share BillyMansFan59's link to the Abuse port again:
This "whoa, that's a commercial site - how bad" really annoys me. After reading his comment I actually hope he sticks with his decision to ignore GOG and the relative easy access to Absue goes down with Desura.
Wow, that's too bad that Dave Taylor doesn't want to have the game here on GOG. Perhaps he just doesn't know GOG as a company well enough nor our community here, but maybe he'd reconsider including Abuse here now that Desura is kaput.
I would totally like to see this game on GOG. Looks pretty darn cool, plus all games from the past need to be preserved or they will be lost forever. I am aware it is on Desura but I also want to throw money to it as well.
@tslug Desura's future is looking uncertain, so you may want to more seriously consider releasing Abuse on GOG.
Doesn't look like Desura is dead yet, so you could still download Abuse there if you wanted. (again, no need to use their client) Regardless, I still think getting the game on GOG would be a good idea, for the sake of shedding some light on a mostly forgotten game.
Used to be available for Debian Squeeze, however it seems that it isn't available for newer stable releases for some reason.
The SDL port of Abuse is still available at
Hasn't been updated since 2011, but it should still be easy enough to compile from source and get running on Linux. Also the game is still available in the official Arch Linux package repository, however I'm not sure about other distros.
With the sad news about the upcoming closure of Desura (I'm bummed because discovered a lot of nice games through their service), any chance the creator could consider releasing it on GOG? It's a pretty good game and it would be a shame if it were to be left forgotten.
Thanks to Dave for taking the time to explain the situation. :) Again, grab the game from Desura; you do not need to use their client:
Hi, my name is Dave Taylor. I was the producer on Abuse way back and still manage the rights for the original team. As tfishell points out, EA was our distributor and doesn't own the IP. It was a pretty unusual arrangement back then, made possible mainly because we self-funded to completion.
Just wanted to let you know that GOG has been reading your comments and reaching out to me to get the game on here. They've pinged me about it on and off for quite a while.
I've been on the fence, because while I think GOG is a very cool thing, it's also a more commercial thing than Desura, which is open source and speaks to my open-source-weenie nature (we open-sourced Abuse way back, and it was one of the earlier DOS games to simulatenously ship on Linux & Irix).
That said, I didn't realize you could grab the game from Desura with a single link and no client until I just now read The_Blog's comment below. For now, I'd prefer y'all download it on Desura. Thank you for understanding!
Thank you also for the kind words about the game! Credit for the great gameplay really goes to Duong Nguyen, our level designer (and also one of the two artists), as well as Jonathan Clark, who made such a powerful level editor (it's basically a LISP interpreter with some highly optimized primitives) so that Duong could be more productive with it.
Turns out EA doesn't hold the rights anymore, even though Desura says so.
Your best bet is downloading it straight from Desura. :) (As others have said, no client needed)
You can download it from Desura for FREE, butt you DO NOT NEED THE DESURA CLIENT. Just use this link (official, from Desura)
Just start up the DosBox exe in the folder :)
I hope you enjoy!
Okay, that's weird. According to Desura Electronic Arts owns the game. Wondering why it's not on GOG yet since EA has been so generous to GOG already.
For those running Ubuntu Linux, Abuse is already available as freeware via your package manager -- just search and mark for installation. (Don't forget to install a midi-renderer too, as the music is quite nifty.)
Might be the nostalgia, but in my opinion it's one of the few DOS games that really stuck to me even with all the competition it had.
This game might be the best Aliens game every released :p
One of the most enjoyable, hardest games I've ever played. I don't think I've ever made it past level 14, lol. Awesome game.
Wow forgot about this game for a while...
Actually, scratch that. It doesn't seem to work for that game for some reason. :/
@Person below me's comment Actually, Desura no longer requires a client. If you own a game or (if it's free) just login and click on the game download link under "Releases". When it asks you if you have Desura installed, click on the words "standalone downloads". Select the file you wish to download and enjoy! Back to the point, however: Yes, it would be nice to see this game on GOG eventually.
You can get Abuse for free through Desura. Sadly the game has to be run through the Desura-client, but it works (and it's better than nothing at least)
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