Posted February 21, 2015
I've taken a few hours of my time researching the Ys series and reading reviews, but there's one really strange thing that I've noticed: not once I have seen anybody explaining WHY they liked Ys in their reviews - only that they just liked it a lot. That's great for them, but it's not very useful information when attempting to make a purchase decision. It's really strange because it's the first time I'm stumbling across that problem when researching a game.
Clearly this series oozes with a ridiculous amount of polish on the presentation side, but whenever I watch gameplay footage, it appears to be extremely shallow and simplistic with obligatory grinding. When I look at Ys 1 and 2, all I see is the protagonist walk into monsters that are slower than him to kill them. When I look at the later games, all I see are basic repetitive hack 'n' slash mechanics along with gigantic area attacks. I'm also not seeing any obvious differences between enemies other than their speed. I've seen some reviews talking about the difficulty, but in all the videos I've watched the only parts that appeared challenging were the bosses.
If I were to compare to other games that I'm familiar with that kinda look like Ys, the games that come to mind are Terranigma and God of War, but I'm just not seeing the same depth in terms of gameplay as in those games in terms of enemy and level design. In fact, the apparent shallowness of the gameplay reminds me a lot of Diablo which I absolutely hated for that very reason. Yes, the cutscenes and soundtrack are amazing, but there's got to be something more to this series to have such a passionate fan base.
Which brings me to my question: if you're a Ys fan, could you explain to me in detail why you like this series from a game design perspective? Even if it turns out that my current impression is true, I would still like to know what's the appeal for you.
Clearly this series oozes with a ridiculous amount of polish on the presentation side, but whenever I watch gameplay footage, it appears to be extremely shallow and simplistic with obligatory grinding. When I look at Ys 1 and 2, all I see is the protagonist walk into monsters that are slower than him to kill them. When I look at the later games, all I see are basic repetitive hack 'n' slash mechanics along with gigantic area attacks. I'm also not seeing any obvious differences between enemies other than their speed. I've seen some reviews talking about the difficulty, but in all the videos I've watched the only parts that appeared challenging were the bosses.
If I were to compare to other games that I'm familiar with that kinda look like Ys, the games that come to mind are Terranigma and God of War, but I'm just not seeing the same depth in terms of gameplay as in those games in terms of enemy and level design. In fact, the apparent shallowness of the gameplay reminds me a lot of Diablo which I absolutely hated for that very reason. Yes, the cutscenes and soundtrack are amazing, but there's got to be something more to this series to have such a passionate fan base.
Which brings me to my question: if you're a Ys fan, could you explain to me in detail why you like this series from a game design perspective? Even if it turns out that my current impression is true, I would still like to know what's the appeal for you.
This question / problem has been solved by Aurora3500