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Lack of clear communication from the dev/publisher is really disappointing.
I'm not asking for it to be released any earlier, just tell people when it will be available instead of vague 'soon' responses.
Post edited July 01, 2017 by CountDuckula
I'm getting a bit impatient as well. I assume Playtonic would want it out as soon as possible, so I won't lay the blame on them.
Post edited March 23, 2019 by user deleted
This is completely unacceptable. If we're not going to get day and date patch releases for games on GOG, I won't
be purchasing through them anymore. I don't care who's at fault. That's not what the customer(me) wants to hear.
I want the game patched like the other platforms got theirs.
In this thread on the Steam forums they say the GOG version will take a couple of days.

Why don't they post that here? I feel like they should've, but at the same time it's probably coming a little sooner than one would think.
Bartman3010: In this thread on the Steam forums they say the GOG version will take a couple of days.

Why don't they post that here? I feel like they should've, but at the same time it's probably coming a little sooner than one would think.
This was already talked about. They said that on June 27th it would be "a couple days" for the GOG patch but it's now July 2.

Will GOG refund my purchase?
Now it's July 3 and it looks like we still don't get the update. I'm pretty disappointed that
they priorized Steam instead of working on both versions equally. I hope this update will
come soon because I really want to play the game again with it!
Korados: Now it's July 3 and it looks like we still don't get the update. I'm pretty disappointed that
they priorized Steam instead of working on both versions equally. I hope this update will
come soon because I really want to play the game again with it!
To be fair, they have a much larger player base over on steam than on GOG. They could also be having some delays trying to fix certain GOG Galaxy specific issues. Though, another fair thought is that they could release the update as-is and just recommend running the game without Galaxy if it causes game breaking bugs until they can patch a fix.

Just wish we'd hear something from them about the update.
Post edited July 03, 2017 by SlenderPsycho
I've also sent Playtonic a tweet to let them know about the lack of communication and GoG problems. I'm frustrated. I'm annoyed. But I do try to give them the benefit of the doubt and reach out to them on multiple platforms so that they're aware. But the lack of communication is the most frustrating thing. And it makes me feel like they don't care at all. Perhaps they ARE fixing the GoG problems. Maybe they're not. I don't know and noone else does either because they're awful at communicating what they're doing.

It's gonna be a very hard sell for me in the future to buy another game from them after this. Here's hopin' they're able to pull it together better.
Whoa...they actually did respond to my tweet. Playtonic did.

"It's been held up by a last minute issue - we're told it's aiming for a midweek release"

Lol. Looks like there was also a response on the Steam Forums about it. But not here. My gosh. *shakes my head*
Post edited July 04, 2017 by Trevor_Fox
They responded to a Tweet I sent them as well saying they were "sorry for the patch delay and that they're working on it and it won't be much longer". That was a couple days ago. Now someone said they were told it'll be mid week! Haha.

This is the very last game I buy through GOG ever again. I'm done.
Well, I'll stick with GOG because it's DRM-free. I'm happy that they said now when the update will come.
So I guess it could be any day now! Thank you for sharing the information!
This isn't a GOG fault in my opinion..... Some software houses doesn't like their fanbase.
Finallly some news. I don't do Twitter, but if they're willing to respond there, maybe some of you guys could ask why they don't post updates in the GOG forums. I've been coming here daily to check what's going on and it's been pretty silent.
SlenderPsycho: Finallly some news. I don't do Twitter, but if they're willing to respond there, maybe some of you guys could ask why they don't post updates in the GOG forums. I've been coming here daily to check what's going on and it's been pretty silent.
It has been. I HAVE asked them to put their updates here, as well, though I haven't asked on Twitter or anything other than Steam Forums. It's still silent here, so I do my best to pass back the information that I stumble across or learn.