Skatan666: Did anyone get this working on Windows 8 x64?
Or Windows 7 x64?
I get the following error:
LockRect failed: 88760868
History: UD3DRenderDevice::ReadPixels <- UD3DRenderDevice::Present
I guess, it is an directx oder a graphics issue.
Hey Skatan666.607!
I might be 3 years late, but better late than never I guess..
I found a quick fix for this problem, if you still can't run it and want to play it:
Simply run the game in windowed mode. I got my ass handed to me to figure this shit out. I tried literally everything.
Got this tutorial from PCGAMINGWIKI:
Fix Set windowed mode
Navigate to <path-to-game>\system
Open XIII.ini with a text editor.
Change StartupFullscreen=True to StartupFullscreen=False
Save your changes.
The game runs in windowed mode though, that's the down side. But a workaround for now.
I'll keep you posted if I could get it to run in fullscreen without this problem.