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38 % and 10% Really?
Whats the source of those "critics"? I doubt thats based on real reviews.

Original XIII was never so badly rated as i remember. Did somebody a mistake in GOG and replaces XIIIs review with remake's reviews? Looks like that. Fix this, please!
That's identical to the remake rating. The ratings are pulled from the OpenCritic database which, as of now, has only an entry for "XIII" that refers the remake, nothing though for the classic one. Did they tinker with their database and delete a presumed duplicate? Definitely not an issue on GOG's end, but they should remove the faulty display until OpenCritic can recover and deliver the correct data again.
Patejl: 38 % and 10% Really?
Whats the source of those "critics"? I doubt thats based on real reviews.

Original XIII was never so badly rated as i remember. Did somebody a mistake in GOG and replaces XIIIs review with remake's reviews? Looks like that. Fix this, please!
The original XIII is atrocious and I cannot imagine how bad the remake has to be then. Also, one cannot write a review on this game on GOG. They are blocked apparently.
Patejl: 38 % and 10% Really?
Whats the source of those "critics"? I doubt thats based on real reviews.

Original XIII was never so badly rated as i remember. Did somebody a mistake in GOG and replaces XIIIs review with remake's reviews? Looks like that. Fix this, please!
lubwak: The original XIII is atrocious and I cannot imagine how bad the remake has to be then. Also, one cannot write a review on this game on GOG. They are blocked apparently.
Do you mind to elaborate why it's atrocious for you? I am seriously curious, because it's mostly a generic shooter from todays perspective with some controversial stealth missions, but in no way it feels unplayable and the artistic style still holds up quite nicely.
Atrocious is an adjective that actually fitted very well to the initial remake release before it was overhauled eventually.