squid830: […] The thing that is on, which is separate to that, is soldier fatigue increases as the mission drags on, which IMO makes some kind of sense. If you want, you can turn that off too - in which case you'll just have soldiers receive a base level of fatigue irrespective of turns (i.e. the way it is in LW 1.0). Personally I like the newer fatigue mechanism, as it doesn't affect their performance during the battle - they're just fatigued for longer at the end of it, which just means you'll need to rotate more/different soldiers through if you do a bunch of long missions.
I agree about the fatigue, since I rarely use more than a dozen soldiers in a game. Of course that will require more MELD to upgrade more soldiers …
squid830: […] the config file is really easy to edit. Just look for "Chryssalid" near the top of the file (should be under <install_folder>\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameCore.ini), it should start with something like this:
Characters=( strName="", iType=eChar_Chryssalid, HP=4, Offense=0, Defense=50, Mobility=24, ....
Just adjust their "Defence" value to be whatever you want. At least it's only 50 in the more recent versions, it was 60 before.
Yeah it's still crazy-high, I think the idea is that they're supposed to be fast-moving so therefore hard to hit, like in Aliens or something (except we don't have smart guns, hence they're REALLY hard to hit, at least until your guys level up a ton, and even then it's probably still difficult). […]
Many thanks for this. I agree the Chryssalids seemed underpowered in the vanilla game.
I have just retrieved the mod [Long_War_EW_1.0_for_PC-88-1-0] and I was perusing the FAQ:
Q: It's early in the campaign and I just ran into a mission with tons of powerful aliens. How am I supposed to beat that?
A: Again, you're not. Part of the tactical challenge of the mod is to recognize a bad situation and retreat. Of course, later in the game, the aliens' development may outpace yours.
That's a nice addition, I look forward to many hours of frustration. :/
Features listed to include:
An extended campaign requiring far more missions to complete
Tactical missions that allow up to twelve XCom soldiers per mission with the right upgrades
Eight soldier classes: Infantry, Assault, Sniper, Scout, Gunner, Rocketeer, Medic and Engineer, and eight MEC classes: Valkyrie, Marauder, Jaeger, Pathfinder, Goliath, Archer, Guardian and Shogun
New and modified technologies, including Xenopsionics, Alien Biocybernetics, Pulse Lasers, Gauss Weapons and Advanced Aerospace Concepts, and many new foundry projects
Five tiers of XCOM weaponry, many new armors and small items and […]
Earlier access to psionics and an expanded psionics tree
A system of commissioning and promoting XCOM officers who provide bonuses to your entire squad during missions (replaces the Enemy Within medals system)
Overhauled interception game, with five new UFO classes such as the Fighter, Raider and Harvester, as well as six interceptors per continent, foundry projects to upgrade your aircraft […]
Overhauled strategy game, in which the aliens gather resources and conduct research […] XCOM can now retake countries by finding and conquering alien bases in those countries.
Aliens and EXALT forces grow tougher over time, gaining stats and perks […]
Training mode config file for easier campaigns […]
[…] Many game mechanics have changed, so read perk, tech and item descriptions closely! They may not do what you expect from vanilla.
Make sure you have the latest
.NET Framework installed.
There are a lot of references to problems with Steam, is Gog's version unaffected …? I guess I'll find out.
ModDB Nexus UFOpaedia [url=http://home.comcast.net/~johnnylump/Long_War_3_perk_tree.jpg]Perk trees[/url]
[url=http://home.comcast.net/~johnnylump/Long_War_3_tech_tree.png]Tech tree[/url]
mod [url=https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Change_Log_(Long_War)]changelog[/url]