tom-tom-69: Thank you very much.
tom-tom, your welcome...and some good news. I discovered how to extend the Avatar Doom Clock as you originally were asking about. To extend the clock to the number of blips you desire, do the following (I just extended it to 16, just to make sure it works, and put it back to 12 for my current game):
Find the installed game folder on your harddrive, mine was in WindowsC\GOG Games\XCOM 2, then navigate to the XComGame\Config folder, and open it. Look for DefaultGame Data.ini (with notepad if it asks you) Scroll down (for me it was between 1/3 and 1/2 way down apprx.) till you find the following:
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[0]=0 ;Easy
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[1]=0 ;Normal
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[2]=0 ;Classic
AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[3]=0 ;Impossible
The 12's represent the Clock for each game difficulty. Change the 12 to whatever number you wish (don't know if there is a limit). I choose 16 to check if it works, and save your changes. You can see from the following screnshot, the Doom clock is now 16 pips. If you haven't fooled around with game file changes b4, you might want to copy and save the the original Config file first, just in case you are worried about screwing something up. It's fairly simple to do though. Anyway, close the file and save, and then start your game, and voila, you should have a longer Doom clock.