michrzesz: Hello,
is there a way to do this in Armageddon? I tried editing the default teams (CPU1 etc) but quick play, deathmatch and missions use custom teams like Royalty and they all have the annoying default language voice. I looked through the game files but didn't see anything obvious.
I was having the same issue : Armageddon is detecting that my computer is in french, and so I have french voices (which aren't the funniest :P) for quick play, deathmatch etc. (= not editable default teams)
I thought about something : why not going in the files, and simply replacing the French sound speech bank by the English one ? And it worked ! Here is a step by step, in case it could help you or someone else (I'll take my own example).
1) Go into the folder "C:\GOG Games\Worms Armageddon\DATA\User\Speech"
2) Here, create a copy of the "French" folder. You should now have two folders with french language : "French" (the original) and "French - Copy"
3) In the same way, create a copy of the "English" folder. You should now have two folders with english language : "English" (the original) and "English - Copy"
4) Delete the original "French" folder.
5) Rename the folder "English - Copy" by "French" (so the game will think this folder contains the french soundbank and will use it by default).
6) And voilà :)
In the end, you should have :
- "English" folder = Original untouched English files
- "French" folder = English files, but in the french language folder (which is the default language folder for my french computer)
- "French - copy" = French files. You still can use them when editing your team : yep, while this folder is in = "C:\GOG Games\Worms Armageddon\DATA\User\Speech", you'll be able to use it when editing team !
Of course, from this example, French is the "default detected language" that you want to get rid off, and "English" the one you want instead, but it can be any other language (=folder in "Speech").
Hope this will help some others :)
PolygonAttack: Is there a way to do this?
All the enemy worms are now talking in Brazilian Portuguese and dropping f* bombs all the time. In European Portuguese we don't do that and it's really weird. I would like to play this game with my little sister.
Hope this may help you too !