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Dont know if this has already been addressed, but I need help. I have this start up issue, heres the picture of it.
untitled.png (17 Kb)
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Don't know if it can help, but I always get problems when games (especially old ones) are installed in the Program Files(x86) folder.
So try to install it in a different location.!
Is no one able to help with this issue? I don't even know what those files it's referencing are.
This error could be caused by a lot of issues. Here is a link for troubleshooting this specific problem.
abbayarra: Hello,
This error could be caused by a lot of issues. Here is a link for troubleshooting this specific problem.
Since the error is very generic, most of the solutions on that site are too. Some may even harm your system.

Better ignore "Method 1":
Don't change the virtual memory setting if you don't know what that is and how that will affect your system. The default is usually a good idea for most of the systems especially for inexperienced users. Wizards and Warriors is a rather old game that should not run into "out of memory" situations on modern systems.

Method 2 might be helpful (we know nothing about joseph89's system and/or hardware).

Method 3 is usually a good idea.

Method 4: be careful when blindly downloading and running "registry cleaners" - some may do more harm than good.

Method 5 may help - at least it usually won't harm.

Method 6 and 7 have nothing to do with the joseph89's problem

Keep in mind that the article is from 2009 and systems changed much since then.

Have you contacted GOG's support with your problem? They sold it to you, so they are responsible for problems with the game. Maybe they are able to help you?

Having only this screenshot from the crash is not really enough to be able to help you here. Things I would try are the following (in that order):

Uninstall and re-install the game to a different location (i'm not sure if you have tried that already?).
Update your video and sound-driver. (again: i'm not sure if you have done that already?)
Contact GOG-Support.
Post edited November 01, 2018 by jhAtgog