RChu1982: Someone told me a while ago that, in order to safely cast level 7 spells at PL7, you would need to be at level 24, and somehow have your magic spellbook, or Music/Engineering, above 100 skill(easy for a specialist caster to pull off with their 25% bonus to spellbook), not so easy for a Bard or Gadgeteer. This would lead me to believe that a Bard or Gadgeteer, to safely use high-end gadgets, would need to push level 30.
You can get 110 Music skill on a Bard with the help of a helmet that Higardi rogue types sometimes drop.
Also, I don't think there's any benefit past level 24 for the success rate of spells/instruments/gadgets, though such a high level will still help with piercing enemy resistance.
With all this said, the risk of a NegatAir backfire isn't that bad at level 24, and you can still mitigate it:
* Save before the fight, and only use the NegatAir early in the fight, which is when it's most likely to make a difference. If you get a nasty backfire, reload.
* Alternatively, put up Magic Screen beforehand, and then Element Shield in the first round. Then, if the NegatAir backfires, it won't be that bad, and it's likely to not kill anyone; if somebody does get killed, just revive them (you *do* have that Resurrection spell, and some Resurrection Powders just in case, right?).