PetrusOctavianus: Having 18 Endurance is probably even more important, to maximize chances of Resurrection when traps blow up (which they will do sometimes no matter how good you are).
Personally I max out Endurance for all my characters, then allocate the rest of the points.
High HP isn't as good as you think, as it only protects against damage. It does not help against status ailments, level draining, or many of the other nasty things that enemies and traps can do.
Luck is the stat you want if you want to be able to resist trap effects.
Agility is tremendously helpful in combat, especially for mages, as it allows you to act before the enemies. At 18 Agility, you will act no later than segment 6 (out of 8 segments). This means that, even with the worst possible roll, you will go before 2/3rds of the enemies. 20 Agility (not possible in Sir-Tech Wizardry games (except via stat underflow), but possible in some Japanese ones, including NES Wizardry 2: Knight of Diamonds and SNES Wizardry 5) will *guarantee* being able to act before the enemies.
Here is how initiative works:
There are 8 segments, with segment 1 happening first, and segment 8 happening last.
For players, roll 1d8, and subtract -1 per point of Agility past 15, minimum 1.
For enemies, roll 1d6+2. (Note that this means no enemies get to act in segment 1 or 2.)
Then, in each segment, the party acts first, followed by the enemies. Note that players earlier in the lineup get to act first if both are acting in the same segment.