RChu1982: In my older parties, the Bishop was the one to wield the Staff of Doom. I never really liked whips for the reason you said. I believe that Antone in Arnika sells the Bullwhip, but not always. You might have to save/camp/reload in his bedroom to make the Bullwhip appear on his list.
dtgreene: In the absence of a whip, on a Bishop I'd rather have the extra Speed or Stealth that I could get from a shield than the attack that a 2-handed weapon would give.
The only real advantage I see to giving the Staff of Doom to a Bishop would be to actually make use of the Bishop's primary skill Artifacts, but you don't really have the points to spare on it or the means to train this skill manually. Also, until level 16-17, a Bishop can't unequip that particular weapon without the Remove Curse skill (which can backfire, and whose backfire can crash the game in the right situation), and uncursing it is required to sell it so it can be recharged.
By the way, that crash is an assertion that happens in the following situation:
* The spell is cast from the inventory (not from the magic menu).
* The spell backfires, hexing the caster.
* As a result of said hex, the caster's current SP, in at least one category, drops below zero.
There's another assertion I found: If you use a potion (or other item) from a stack outside of battle, and then use the "use last item" keyboard shortcut to use the last one, the game will crash with an assertion. (On the other hand, this shortcut works fine witn items that don't get used up; using it with the Renaissance Lute is a fast way to finish maxing a Bard's Music, for example.)
RChu1982: I guess that's where we differ. You seem to like Fairies, despite their many drawbacks. I just don't consider the SP regeneration that important, because I'm going for a long run game, where that small benefit doesn't matter late game. As I said before, I used to avoid Humans because they were mediocre. But now I realize that, adding up their TOTAL attribute points, Humans do indeed get the most points, even beating out the Hobbits by 5 points, which are good at a lot of things. As you said earlier, attribute points matter more in the long run, because increases to attributes are finite. With patience, by level 30, all of my party will have 4 attributes maxed out and 4 expert skills, and the rest have a floor of 45, and possibly higher. Humans are a long run race. You do you though. I hope you find a mod that helps Fairies out.
dtgreene: It's not that I like Fairies; it's that I *would* like them if thety were better in the long run.
With that said, over the years I've moved away from a long run focus when playing Wizardry 8. In particular, some ideas that I've experimented with a bit:
* Use a Bishop, but spend all spell picks (or at least require that they eventually be spent on spells appropriate to the level at which they were acquired). Not as powerful in the long run (have to carefully choose level 6 and 7 spells, but some of them (like Quicksand and Restoration) are more useful than others (Pandemonium and Falling Stars), but more interesting earlier in the game.
* Start with a character who's great early game, like a Fairie Mage that focuses on Speed/Senses (yes, ignoring Intelligence); once in Arnika, or perhaps a bit later, I *replace* the character with a new level 1 character, like a Gadgeteer (fast leveling means XP isn't as much of an issue, and if I wait until Marten's Bluff, gadgets are a non-issue (Project Image and Noxious Fumes, both fun spells to have in gadget form, are available at that point); drawback might be the lack of a character to handle locks and traps until then.
RChu1982: I like Bishops too, it's just that they lag behind the rest of the party with their slow leveling, and the need to save spell picks cripples them for the first half of the game, until you meet all the vendors and shop/camp/shop until the cows come home. Also, you need two dedicated casters, one for Soul Shield, and one for Element Shield. The Bishop can't do both at once. In my party, with four casters, I am freely picking spells at level ups(although sometimes I save a spell pick because then I can pick two higher level ones once I reach a new threshold, if you know what I mean.)
dtgreene: Try using a Bishop *without* saving spell picks sometime; it's how I've payed them on recent playthroughs, and is more fun earlier in the game.
RChu1982: I just checked Flamestryke's site. Sorry, it's not Antone that sells Bullwhips, it's Kunar and Sadok.
dtgreene: Which unfortunately means not until Umpani/T'Rang areas.
I just got all 6 party members to level 10. It took a while, but the skill increases(Music, Engineering, Divinity, Alchemy, Psionics, Wizardry, all realm skills) are invaluable for that long, difficult Arnika Road run with no way to replenish SPs except resting.
Here is something I've noticed. Level 10 seems to be the max spawn level, both in the Monastery, and on the Arnika Road. I think I've finally matched every monster's level now.