eagarza12: I just finished WC 1 and started playing WC 2. It seems that the space battles are noticibly faster than in WC 1.
Is the combat supposed to be a little more peppy in WC 2 compared to WC 1 or do I have DOSBOX emulating a bit too fast?
Nergal01: You can try reducing emulation speed by pressing CTRL-F11. Slow the game down a little and see how that suits you. You can always increase emulation speed again by pressing CTRL-F12.
It's something you'll probably have to do on a regular basis. The engine of WC and WC 2 suffers severe slowdowns if too many ships are present.
In addition to Soryu's solution of adjusting the CPU speed wing commander 2 also lets you adjust the frame rate speed by holding down alt + + or -, a higher number will slow down the action and a lower number will speed it up. I find this is a bit more steady then throttling the CPU if your just looking for a small adjustment as i've noticed the default settings can be a bit funny with the speed of ships and fire rates in certain situations with light fighters then slow down shortly when the action gets heavy.
but I usually throttle it down by 2 notches and make adjustments to the frame rate as needed to get through some of those brutal chaotic missions. It seems to keep the game pretty close to those old 486 machine speeds back in the day. but in general the game did run a bit faster than WC1 and in my opinion a bit smoother too.