Posted September 04, 2013
I never played the original Wing Commander games for PC back when it came out. I first started out the franchise on the SNES ports of both Wing Commander and the Secret missions, and then moved on to the rest of the franchise on PC from there.
Now that I can finally play the original PC version, I gotta say I'm actually disappointed of it. The SNES version was one of my favorite gaming experiences, but the PC version has been practically a chore. Difficulty is extremely high, and your wingmen are totally useless. While in the SNES version, I remember both of us splitting up kills pretty evenly no matter who I was flying with, which helped make the game feel more realistic. Here my wingmen almost never get kills, even when I severely damage a fighter they can't finish it off.
The difficulty gets flat out obscene at times, particularly in regard to escort missions. Dryman transports are just flying coffins and always die within seconds, while even ships that are supposed to be armed, like Exeter destroyers just sit still and never seem to fire at enemies. Compound that with my worthless wingman, and it makes escort missions a nightmare.
The difficulty gets particularly ridiculous in Secret Missions. The game keeps throwing wave after wave of fighters at me, most of which are better ships then mine, and they just swarm all over me. I often end up spending huge amounts of time with the missile lock alarm going off because the enemies are just launching one after another. It seems like every way point I'm expected to take on 4-6 ships singlehanded while my Wingman does nothing but watch me fall victim to missle hoses.
Granted it's been about 20 years since I've played the SNES version, but I just don't remember it being so frustrating. I don't remember having to kill 15-20 enemies every time out in Secret Missions. I don't remember having to run away from every enemy group where it wasn't necessary to kill them in order to complete the mission.
Wing commander remains one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, but really I don't know if I would have gotten so into it if I had started out on the PC instead of SNES. This may be the only time ever where the Console port is better then the original
Now that I can finally play the original PC version, I gotta say I'm actually disappointed of it. The SNES version was one of my favorite gaming experiences, but the PC version has been practically a chore. Difficulty is extremely high, and your wingmen are totally useless. While in the SNES version, I remember both of us splitting up kills pretty evenly no matter who I was flying with, which helped make the game feel more realistic. Here my wingmen almost never get kills, even when I severely damage a fighter they can't finish it off.
The difficulty gets flat out obscene at times, particularly in regard to escort missions. Dryman transports are just flying coffins and always die within seconds, while even ships that are supposed to be armed, like Exeter destroyers just sit still and never seem to fire at enemies. Compound that with my worthless wingman, and it makes escort missions a nightmare.
The difficulty gets particularly ridiculous in Secret Missions. The game keeps throwing wave after wave of fighters at me, most of which are better ships then mine, and they just swarm all over me. I often end up spending huge amounts of time with the missile lock alarm going off because the enemies are just launching one after another. It seems like every way point I'm expected to take on 4-6 ships singlehanded while my Wingman does nothing but watch me fall victim to missle hoses.
Granted it's been about 20 years since I've played the SNES version, but I just don't remember it being so frustrating. I don't remember having to kill 15-20 enemies every time out in Secret Missions. I don't remember having to run away from every enemy group where it wasn't necessary to kill them in order to complete the mission.
Wing commander remains one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, but really I don't know if I would have gotten so into it if I had started out on the PC instead of SNES. This may be the only time ever where the Console port is better then the original