kohlrak: Yeah, i'm already doing that, right now, but then i have to balance the idea of accidentally deleting the world that i have a level 10 city in that can upgrade my equipment.
Right now, because i'm petty, i'm thinking about how i could go about trying to get my hands on some dark paints. I'm thinking of creating a new world where every ship has dark paint, 'cause either the RNG hates me or the colors you find correlate with the colors actually being used by a particular faction.
Also, have you ever seen a paint with an alpha value other than 1? I noticed they have an alpha value listed, but it's always 1, for me. I was curious if i could create a "ghost ship" for shits and giggles.
The XP difference is probably because the rank of the ships. When you're at higher level only captains will spawn which worth more than other pirates. With more levels pirate lords start to be way more common and those worth a lot. But yes, defiance effectively means 4 times the healt compared to the default (100%+300%, especially with higher challenge level as the pirates' skill also improve with level) so it is pretty hard to kill them during that. It helps a lot if you have overhelming damage stat. Questing maybe a close second to a combat with insane pirate spawn rate. After you buy a flying ship you can do quests very fast. Actually the combat is the favorable for most players because as much as I see everyone goes for pure damage or diplomacy and either the cannons or the grogolov will do overhelming damage. If you join players with very high level the received XP will be above your level, though sooner or later your level will be higher than the half of the high level player's level. Online the received XP is divided equally between players in the same region. This means a level 375 player receive full amount of XP in a level 750 combat with an additional player. A level 100 player in the same region receive around +50% because there is a cap to prevent powerleveling.
Yes, I seen the alpha value too and tried to do something about it but nothing. During item creation the game ignore any value above the 3 bit RGB color (FFFFFF for pure white for example, FFFFFF80 for half transparent end up the same).