kohlrak: Well, i set the consolate skills all to 80%, then went questing like crazy just trying to make a level 10 town in my region. It, unfortunately, took all night, but in that time i had grown from level 32 to 53, and i intentionally avoided starting more than 4 towns in that particular area, and i also had plenty of interruptions. I feel like i need to stick to challenge areas to grind, 'cause if i don't i won't be able to take over land as fast as i'm leveling. I was disappointed with the valiant's grind, but now i'm disappointed the other way with what i'm doing, 'cause now that i'm not plowing through the pirates, i have huge areas ahead of me that are way under-leveled (to be fair, the combat will be rough with the debuffs) and i specifically created this particular world to take me as far as it can. I feel like the private regions feel a bit cheaty. Oh well, once i hit level 150 i won't have much reason to grind, anymore and will probably just play valiant.
Not sure what you mean by the defiance buff, but i have the game set to 200% challenge. How does one salvage the captains and crew? Did i miss something from the tutorial?

Pityesz: I doubt the tutorial mention the captain and crew salvaging. Just right-click on the item and choose salvage. Specialists give you XP too just less.
Oh, that salvaging. Yeah, i've been doing that. Slow, but it helps.
Honestly, the only way to effectively level up is fighting. Fighting in regions with level close to your level for the maximum profit.
I read people saying that, but the numbers they're saying doesn't match. I'm guessing the game got rebalanced, or maybe my downsizing gives enough of a buff. Combat with all stats at 80% is untenable, but boy when i'm doing that for trading that 40% EXP boost is really, really helpful. Just a few hours it's not hard for me to gain 20 levels, without even changing areas. The hard part is that you need to keep an overworld area with a level 10 town to keep your equipment upgraded so that you can keep creating new private areas (to level even faster). But there inlies a problem, where when i went a combat focus before, i was taking areas faster than i could level up, so i was taking areas and couldn't even do business in them, which is when i started focusing on power leveling. Now that i'm using this strategy, the areas can't keep up with my character level. I just can't find a healthy balance, and the trouble i'm having with private areas being underleveled even when i make new ones is not helping: just for this response i made a private area, and the area is level 42, but my character is level 54. I have level 51 ammunition, so i'm guessing it's my level 33 cannons holding me back.
Defiance is a buff that increase the hull with 300%, both NPCs and you can use it. Whenever someone use it the game indicates that with the "+hull" writings above the ship. When it turns off then "-hull". XP is calculated from the HP and the game not cares about if that HP is only a buff. Sometimes I got 1 million XP from stronger ships because of that.
Seems like the timing could end up being an issue, especially with my current equipment. I'll have to try it out once i find some equipment that isn't diplomacy oriented.
By the way level 375 is the last time you get a new ability. You can summon and control admirals and dread lords (rank 3 NPCs) as well rewarding players with legendary (+5 quality) items. Because of the ridiculous level interval I had to create worlds over and over lol.
Yeah, i'm already doing that, right now, but then i have to balance the idea of accidentally deleting the world that i have a level 10 city in that can upgrade my equipment.
Right now, because i'm petty, i'm thinking about how i could go about trying to get my hands on some dark paints. I'm thinking of creating a new world where every ship has dark paint, 'cause either the RNG hates me or the colors you find correlate with the colors actually being used by a particular faction.
Also, have you ever seen a paint with an alpha value other than 1? I noticed they have an alpha value listed, but it's always 1, for me. I was curious if i could create a "ghost ship" for shits and giggles.