Pulptenks: Been a couple days I tried to log online. What's going on with this?
It seems to be working fine for me, been playing on there all weekend and it also went fine.
A couple things to check:
- Make sure you are using the classic game version not the enhanced one
- You need CD key configured (you can do that within launcher)
- Check that your port 6112-6119 is opened both on UDP/TCP and that you have an IPV4 (sadly game does not work with IPV6 yet)
- Make sure your connection speed is ok (game does a ping to the server and if it is too low you wont be able to create or join game although you are able to login.
Hopefully this was helpful.
If you are running into problems connecting to Bnet make sure to send tickets to Blizzard Bnet support annoying them about these issues may be the only way we get better support for nat and ipv6.