Mad3: - Do you have links to the interviews with the devs?
Tim Cain Leonard Boyarsky Rik Schaffer wesp5: Who is this and how can he be contaced?
Andrew Meggs was the lead programmer IIRC. He even has a giant tombstone on the Hollywood cemetery (hard to miss). I don't think he will be able to help with the story though, I'm just saying that he still remembers his work - so should the others. I think he had a Facebook page.
wesp5: As the Prequel intends to show how it actually was done, it needs to make sense in my opinion! I contacted Brian Mitsoda about the two major theories, Jack in the container or attack near LA, but he answered diplomatically: "I'd leave it up to interpretation, but I think you are on the right track with those theories." :)
If Brian Mitsoda says that, then there is a chance that they never had thought much about the Jack's little adventure.