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I'm a few hours into the game, having a party of 3, and I have zero clues as to how to build them.

I planned that Christof will need around say 55 str (or more just an observation from the gear available now), and a lot of intelligence and wit to use various disciplines. I haven't made up my mind about what disciplines are most useful, but I'll definitely max Blood Heal, and Feed. Or that's the plan anyway. As for other disciplines, I haven't gotten so far as to see them all, so it's hard to plan in that regard.

But what about the others in the party? I'm in the medieval times, and I just got a third party member.

Right now I've just pumped strength on Willhelm, and a bit of Feed discipline, but I'm completely clueless as how to build both him and Serena.

Any pointers or straight up guides for how to build an effective party? The only sort of guide talking about build strategy just says to pump manipulation to break the enonomy through buying cheaper than selling, but that neglects all other stats, which seems weird to me. Surely you need to be able to do some real damage and use disciplines?

I'd appreciate any sort of help. I haven't played for a couple of days, because I'm at sort of a critical point where I could probably mess things up for my party in the long run. I could just stumble my way through the game and hope I have the right builds for my party, and am able to beat the bosses I meet, but the few bosses I've met so far have been extremely close calls, so going forward, I'd like to at least know I won't be screwed in another 10+ hours, and have to abandon the game due to it.
In my opinion heal and feed should be maxed for everybody.
I use christoph as melee fighter, while Wilhem most of the time uses arrows (so increase dexterity), but is good enough to wield a melee weapons if necessary. Serena obvioulsy is not much of a fighter, she's better with spells, so increase intelligence and whatever els is needed for these.
At some point in the game you can learn how to steal blood from a distance, which you HAVE to give to Christoph. In the later game it makes quite a difference. I usually let him steal blood and let the others drink from him between the fights, they hardly ever have to bite any enemy.
One a sidenote: At different points in the game your party will change. Some might take a break, some might go permanently. So save your game often. This way you can return to better times, strip them of their equipment before they vanish. Those who return later will have new equipment and also new talents, they hardly remember anything you thought them (just be glad they remember your name).
One more thing: There is one fight, where these guys keep dying like flies. Maybe that was because I messed up the build or maybe it's by design. For this fight I made sure they all can ressurect others efficiently.
Post edited April 04, 2019 by neumi5694
Alright, thanks!

What's your take on the whole manipulation maxing? I've put some points into it so far, but only about 15-20. Is it worthwhile to invest a ton of points into it? (I read 90 was the target to aim for).

So far Willhelm is a much better fighter than Christof, but I'll keep that in mind for sure. Serena definitely isn't a fighter, what with that puny 15 str. she has, so good idea about the discipline focus. I'll just pump her int/wit and whatever discipline sounds fun.

Thanks for the heads up about people leaving and taking the gear with them. I'll remember to save so I don't waste the gear ^_^
Jinxtah: Alright, thanks!

What's your take on the whole manipulation maxing? I've put some points into it so far, but only about 15-20. Is it worthwhile to invest a ton of points into it? (I read 90 was the target to aim for).

So far Willhelm is a much better fighter than Christof, but I'll keep that in mind for sure. Serena definitely isn't a fighter, what with that puny 15 str. she has, so good idea about the discipline focus. I'll just pump her int/wit and whatever discipline sounds fun.

Thanks for the heads up about people leaving and taking the gear with them. I'll remember to save so I don't waste the gear ^_^
My take is that it depends on your style - I never used it at all but others like it.
I've gone ahead and put some more points into manipulation since everything is so freaking costly in the store, and the items there are so much better than what I find in the dungeons. I'm only at lvl 70 with it, and meanwhile I've been forsaking all other skills which in hindsight seems like a mistake, but oh well, I'm committed now.

I'm still not very far into the game though. About 6-7 hours. Currently trawling through the chantry.
For anyone looking at this in the future, it turns out manipulation was a very solid choice. I went to 80 and bought 2 rings of manipulation (+5 each) to reach 90. Then I played the market game, where I'd buy and sell for profit. It's shitty that you pretty much have to do this in order to progress, but the alternative is reloading at chests for a worse choice of equipment.

First though, I went to 50 str. with Christof, and pumped feed and heal to lvl 3, and then started pumping manipulation. It sucks to begin with, but you'll be happier for it later on. After I hit 80 manipulation. I increased his strength to 55, and then got feed/heal to lvl 4 each. I then started pumping intellect to 70 and wits casually to 45, and got access to some cool spells like Reign of fire (Lure of Flames discipline is OP as hell), and Theft of Vitae.

I'm not done with the game, but have put a decent amount of hours into it. My save game says ~16 hours so far.
Post edited April 08, 2019 by Jinxtah
Ok I'm now done with the game. Took me about 21½ hours.

Other than what I wrote there, I'd advise getting 5 points in cloak of shadows. It's pretty much vital for some of the last boss fights. Then just make sure you get 5 in reign of fire, and pump str up to 100, and same with dex, and get stamina as close to 100 as you can. That worked out really well for me.

Also, the best accessories by far are discipline items. They stack, and make casting spells a non issue once you have 2 rings, 2 bracelets, and an amulet. I'd advise getting that for all your members. Be sure to keep 2 rings of manipulation for your main character, so that he has 90 manipulation to play the market.
Jinxtah: Ok I'm now done with the game. Took me about 21½ hours.

Other than what I wrote there, I'd advise getting 5 points in cloak of shadows. It's pretty much vital for some of the last boss fights. Then just make sure you get 5 in reign of fire, and pump str up to 100, and same with dex, and get stamina as close to 100 as you can. That worked out really well for me.

Also, the best accessories by far are discipline items. They stack, and make casting spells a non issue once you have 2 rings, 2 bracelets, and an amulet. I'd advise getting that for all your members. Be sure to keep 2 rings of manipulation for your main character, so that he has 90 manipulation to play the market.
In case you didn't know and are interested, there are different endings to the game depending on your dialogue choices. As far as how to build characters, once you get Prison of Ice I don't think it mattered too much on how I had my characters originally built. They're helpless long enough after maxing that discipline out. It makes the game way too easy though, even solo.
Yeah I'm aware. I got the best ending apparently. I had 100 humanity at the end.

I missed the Blood Rituals discipline book. I'm not sure how I missed it, but apparently I just didn't see it. But once I got the reign of fire spell, the game was pretty much trivial. Which wasn't bad, because combat in this game was horrible.
Jinxtah: Yeah I'm aware. I got the best ending apparently. I had 100 humanity at the end.

I missed the Blood Rituals discipline book. I'm not sure how I missed it, but apparently I just didn't see it. But once I got the reign of fire spell, the game was pretty much trivial. Which wasn't bad, because combat in this game was horrible.
The book does not always spawn. Once I repeated the whole dungeon, just to get it.
Jinxtah: I'm a few hours into the game, having a party of 3, and I have zero clues as to how to build them.

I planned that Christof will need around say 55 str (or more just an observation from the gear available now), and a lot of intelligence and wit to use various disciplines. I haven't made up my mind about what disciplines are most useful, but I'll definitely max Blood Heal, and Feed. Or that's the plan anyway. As for other disciplines, I haven't gotten so far as to see them all, so it's hard to plan in that regard.

But what about the others in the party? I'm in the medieval times, and I just got a third party member.

Right now I've just pumped strength on Willhelm, and a bit of Feed discipline, but I'm completely clueless as how to build both him and Serena.

Any pointers or straight up guides for how to build an effective party? The only sort of guide talking about build strategy just says to pump manipulation to break the enonomy through buying cheaper than selling, but that neglects all other stats, which seems weird to me. Surely you need to be able to do some real damage and use disciplines?

I'd appreciate any sort of help. I haven't played for a couple of days, because I'm at sort of a critical point where I could probably mess things up for my party in the long run. I could just stumble my way through the game and hope I have the right builds for my party, and am able to beat the bosses I meet, but the few bosses I've met so far have been extremely close calls, so going forward, I'd like to at least know I won't be screwed in another 10+ hours, and have to abandon the game due to it.
Its a bit late, but if you ever plan to do a rerun of the game, i tend to solo the game with the following strat, feral claws and gogogo :D
I use +dex gloves + wit amulet and bloodcost reducement rings also the sword that gives you 10 dex will stick till the end (the place where you are imprisoned has it.)
Even in mordern times BiS ! I don't waste exp on most spells, i tend to hover around 2-3 feed early game and lvl 3 healing,mid game lvl 5 healing and i pomp all my stats into dex/str/wits having them hover around 90 just before mordern time is good.Mordern time you will go for 100 str 95 wits 90 dex 100 stam any exp left will go into buffs from the first spellbook like potence and such to even boost yourself farther.

I do this with all my chars, final boss went down in 10 sec max.

I prefer not to use manupilation strat to get inf gold, it makes the game that more boring
Another trick is to keep ressing the stone golems early on in the game that spawn from the red circles to keep stacking that sweet 300 exp a kill.Also not a fan of this since it rly breaks the game, but if you struggle this might just give that extra umph you neeed.
Another tip is that you can lure parts of a room full of enemys by carefully triggering them and running back behinda corner.(this is a well needed strat if you tend to solo the game.)
Post edited March 20, 2022 by ronald1986
A bit late. Just at little bit :P

I can't see myself ever doing a rerun, but I appreciate it all the same. Maybe it'll help someone else out there looking for the same answers I was.
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