Posted March 19, 2016
IronArcturus: I honestly don't see how you can play Uprising with a controller. :P You need so many buttons for everything! Not just controlling the Wraith, but calling out various units and citadels, readjusting the shields, and creating bases with the map.
You can bring up a menu for calling units so you don't need a button for every unit, the same goes for weapons. Readjusting Power Triangle will require some practice but I enjoy the SC enough that I think I'll get it in time. It also sports a Haptic Feedback area for both aim and movement, makes it very easy and convenient to move around (as opposed to a traditional controller with analog sticks). There's also this nifty little option to add alternative setup. I press a chosen button and voilá, a bunch of more keys for the same amount of buttons. What I would like though is pre-determined Power Triangle like 100% weapon, shield or engine and of course a 33% balance, that would be very convenient. :)
Annoying that you have to disable sky option to call in Citadel. It looks so pretty with it, looks like a Windows Paint job otherwise. :(