Ganni1987: 2) Mouse capture / Global Keys: This function is dictated by a setting in "your_utfolder/System/UnrealTournament.ini", Search for "CaptureMouse" and set it to 'False' (contrary to what the name suggests it also affects the keyboard) - In the reuploaded patch this is now off by default and mouse and keyboard will no longer be locked to the game unless you press Ctrl+G or set the flag manually.
As I understand it, it captures that way because SDL 1.2 is lazy and just uses the X11 input grabbing calls intended to provide a way for password dialogs to grab all input while suspending any X11-based means of snooping.
Ganni1987: Also: In your case you will have to go to 'your_home_folder/.loki/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini" and turn off the CaptureMouse flag from there. (won't be necessary for fresh game installs).
Bad idea. If the mouse isn't captured, mouselook doesn't work properly because your cursor will exit the window or slam into the edge of the screen rather than being continuously warped back into the center so the game can measure relative motion.
The proper fix requires patching SDL 1.2 to change how it handles input grabbing so I was just providing advice that
is within the reach of the average player.
Ganni1987: 3) I've added the $@ as you suggested, I'm still not optimal with bash scripts so I hope I did them correctly.
The Good news: Just tested the game with $@ and ran with -log, seems to be working correctly. I didn't know what $@ did, now I know - it's used to pass the parameters of the program to the script, Very handy thanks :)
It's specifically "$@" because you want the magic behaviour the quotes trigger in $@.
In Bourne shell scripting, there's no concept of arrays, so the default behaviour is to split the contents of a variable when used in a command line so you can do something like this:
BASE_ARGS="--foo --bar"
if [ this = that ]; then
some_command $BASE_ARGS "$@"
wrapping a variable in quotes should treat the variable's contents as one giant argument and that's actually what you do with "$*" if you want all of your arguments to be squashed into a single one.
$@ is magic because, instead of "$@" meaning "$1 $2 $3 $4 ...", it means "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" ..., which preserves the existing quoting rather than modifying it.
Ganni1987: 4) I never installed ChaosUT so I can't be of much help there atm, but I'll take a look at it.
You really
must. It's an awesome mod. Grappling hook, momentary invincibility to protect against spawn-camping kills, and various other lovely things.
Ganni1987: The Bad: I've installed the ChaosUT mod and getting this in terminal as soon as I click "Mod > ChaosUT Config": "Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]"
Yeah. I'll have to putter around with various different versions of UT from downloads and various versions of ChaosUT from downloads and from my UT GOTY CD2 to see if I can get it working outside of Wine.
One thing to note: Apparently the GOG version only has bonus packs 1-3 installed and the ChaosUT website says that bonus packs 1-4 must be installed first.