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1.- Second magnetic coils passage that is a excersice in frustration. As i don't know what it was about my install, but top and bottom didn't alternated correctly. It took patience and luck for the orb to pass. It had nothing to do with skill.

It also seems some people get the same glitch and never pass that part. I looked it up. If it happens to anyone, let me know, i saved my saved right after that point. just in case one of my brothers wants to play it and cannot pass that part. If you need the saves. I am glad to provide them.

2.- The color wheel since it made no sense at all. You just have to grind at it at feel until you pass it.
Post edited July 28, 2015 by AvatarX001
I don't remember magnetic crystals (maybe the electromagnetic coils?) but concerning the color wheel: The key is the four color theorem.
AvatarX001: 1.- Second magnetic crystals passage that is a excersice in frustration. As i don't know what it was about my install, but top and bottom didn't alternated correctly. It took patience and luck for the orb to pass. It had nothing to do with skill.
It took me 1.5 hours (!) to pass the second part of that puzzle. After finishing the game, I checked a couple let's play videos and no one seemed to have too much of a problem with that part, some even got past it in only a handful tries.

It's most likely a technical glitch where the input doesn't respond appropriately on some systems. I tried with an XBOX controller, then with the keyboard and finally with the mouse because I can click the mouse button the fastest.
But regardless of what I tried, that puzzle was so twitchy that I almost gave up on the game, It put a big dent into my overall appreciation of an otherwise excellent little game. That puzzle was unnecessarily hard and it seems they didn't test it enough on various systems and configurations.

It seems that for most people, this parts wasn't a big issue but for a minority of players (including myself) it was almost impossible to get past. It was the single most twitchy and random puzzle I ever encountered, there was zero leeway for error and even if I timed the clicks in the exact same way twice in a row the ball would immediately fly and bump into either the upper or lower wall. Absolutely random. I emailed the developers about it and asked if the extended version of the game will be released for PC as well (I'd like to have it) but haven't received a reply yet.
AvatarX001: 2.- The color wheel since it made no sense at all. You just have to grind at it at feel until you pass it.
It was a logical puzzle: You had to see to it that no two neighboring pieces had the same color.
Post edited July 27, 2015 by awalterj
RepNex: I don't remember magnetic crystals (maybe the electromagnetic coils?) but concerning the color wheel: The key is the four color theorem.
Right, i have now corrected that. On the color wheel, yeah, i got that it was supposed to do that. I just didn't liked the way it was presented.
AvatarX001: 1.- Second magnetic crystals passage that is a excersice in frustration. As i don't know what it was about my install, but top and bottom didn't alternated correctly. It took patience and luck for the orb to pass. It had nothing to do with skill.
awalterj: It took me 1.5 hours (!) to pass the second part of that puzzle. After finishing the game, I checked a couple let's play videos and no one seemed to have too much of a problem with that part, some even got past it in only a handful tries.

It's most likely a technical glitch where the input doesn't respond appropriately on some systems. I tried with an XBOX controller, then with the keyboard and finally with the mouse because I can click the mouse button the fastest.
But regardless of what I tried, that puzzle was so twitchy that I almost gave up on the game, It put a big dent into my overall appreciation of an otherwise excellent little game. That puzzle was unnecessarily hard and it seems they didn't test it enough on various systems and configurations.

It seems that for most people, this parts wasn't a big issue but for a minority of players (including myself) it was almost impossible to get past. It was the single most twitchy and random puzzle I ever encountered, there was zero leeway for error and even if I timed the clicks in the exact same way twice in a row the ball would immediately fly and bump into either the upper or lower wall. Absolutely random. I emailed the developers about it and asked if the extended version of the game will be released for PC as well (I'd like to have it) but haven't received a reply yet.
AvatarX001: 2.- The color wheel since it made no sense at all. You just have to grind at it at feel until you pass it.
awalterj: It was a logical puzzle: You had to see to it that no two neighboring pieces had the same color.
The glitch in the 2nd magnetic coils pathway was that reponse should had alternated between up and down based on the keys. It didn't do that reliably for some reason. And that made it really hard to do if you got the glitch. Which you and me seem to have got it. On the color wheel, like RepNext replied before, I get it was about the four color theorem but i didn't liked the way it was presented and the clue was underwhelming. But overall, that part is not hard at all, just not really satisfying in any way.
Post edited July 28, 2015 by AvatarX001
AvatarX001: 1.- Second magnetic crystals passage that is a excersice in frustration. As i don't know what it was about my install, but top and bottom didn't alternated correctly. It took patience and luck for the orb to pass. It had nothing to do with skill.
awalterj: It took me 1.5 hours (!) to pass the second part of that puzzle.
Whoa! 1.5 hours?!?! I amdire your patience! I had problems with that puzzle too. Don't know if it was a glitch or just my lack of skill, but after 30 minutes of trying, I rage quited and unistalled the game :D
awalterj: It took me 1.5 hours (!) to pass the second part of that puzzle.
Psyonicon: Whoa! 1.5 hours?!?! I amdire your patience! I had problems with that puzzle too. Don't know if it was a glitch or just my lack of skill, but after 30 minutes of trying, I rage quited and unistalled the game :D
It is a glitch. If you ever install it again, i do have the save that places you jut after that part.
Thank you, but now I've lost interest in the game...
awalterj: It took me 1.5 hours (!) to pass the second part of that puzzle.
Psyonicon: Whoa! 1.5 hours?!?! I amdire your patience! I had problems with that puzzle too. Don't know if it was a glitch or just my lack of skill, but after 30 minutes of trying, I rage quited and unistalled the game :D
It was more stubbornness than patience but I wanted to eat my controller, literally. Then I remembered that I can't digest plastic and that I just bought it brand new for about $37. I was so pissed that I couldn't rage quit. It was the dangerous, silent type of anger that you can't see from the outside. At one point, I hissed "FUCK!" but not too loudly as I don't want to cause noise for my neighbors. Usually, I'm the quiet one who tells other people to be quiet because it's the rules etc so I can't be raging and yelling "FUCK!" just because a little virtual energy troll ball isn't going where it's supposed to go.
Ages since played, but I do recall one part that made me quit & uninstall thinking screw that lol

Eventually had another go, game was okay.
But that circle puzzle part, I had no idea wtf I was meant to do & the "hint" didn`t help in the least.
After fiddling for ages, it worked & even then I stared at the screen & thought "wtf did I do!?".

Hmm, time to try it now new part....rage in 3...2...
AvatarX001: It also seems some people get the same glitch and never pass that part. I looked it up. If it happens to anyone, let me know, i saved my saved right after that point. just in case one of my brothers wants to play it and cannot pass that part. If you need the saves. I am glad to provide them.
I am stuck in the same puzzle. It seems, that ball builds up momentum, so if angle of movement is even slightly off it will hit upper nails even with magnet off after passing first pair of nails.
AvatarX001: It also seems some people get the same glitch and never pass that part. I looked it up. If it happens to anyone, let me know, i saved my saved right after that point. just in case one of my brothers wants to play it and cannot pass that part. If you need the saves. I am glad to provide them.
virgoparna: I am stuck in the same puzzle. It seems, that ball builds up momentum, so if angle of movement is even slightly off it will hit upper nails even with magnet off after passing first pair of nails.
I do still have the save that places you just after that if you want it.
AvatarX001: I do still have the save that places you just after that if you want it.
Yes, I would.
AvatarX001: I do still have the save that places you just after that if you want it.
virgoparna: Yes, I would.
There you go:

Password is : Pathway
Thank you. Downloaded it.
Hopefully I have time at the evening to try it out.
It worked.
But now this game is pushing my ancient laptop to it's limit... After solving all pacemaker puzzles and going into pipe it crashes with internal driver error. I guess I really have to upgrade it soon:)
Post edited December 12, 2015 by virgoparna
virgoparna: Thank you. Downloaded it.
Hopefully I have time at the evening to try it out.
It worked.
But now this game is pushing my ancient laptop to it's limit... After solving all pacemaker puzzles and going into pipe it crashes with internal driver error. I guess I really have to upgrade it soon:)
glad it was useful.