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Application Systems announces the availability of a new version of Unforeseen Incidents for Mac/PC/Linux. The new version can be downloaded from GOG now.
All bugs reported to us in reviews, forum posts or directly have been fixed.

Fixed bugs include:
· General: In some rare cases savegames were defective and lost inventory items. Found the weird combination of circumstances and fixed it.
· Chapter 2 - Fixed: Game freeze in the scene with Edwin at the dam
· Chapter 3 - Fixed: Leaving warehouse scene potentially lead to dead end
· Chapter 3 - Fixed: Duplicated projector during pad puzzle on island
· Chapter 4 - Fixed: Intro to chapter repeated
· Chapter 4 - Fixed: Weirdly displayed body parts in end scene of chapter
· Fixed: Various corrections in text translations
· Fixed: In some cases, the achievemtents "Fuzzy Frequencies" and "Aquila's Witness" did not trigger as intented.
· Fixed: Texts in some closeups did not display correctly in high resolutions (4K)
· Fixed: Minor issues
· Fixed: Linux only bug - On some Linux systems we've discovered a bug screwing up savegames. It unfortunately lead to strange repetition of dialogue lines and skipped dialogue. We have found and fixed that problem.
Post edited June 21, 2018 by ASHGAMES85
Thanks for the quick update :)
Linux bug is fixed, yay ! :-D
This title hasn't seen a patch in 4 years, although the game has received updates on other platforms.
rainydaygaming: This title hasn't seen a patch in 4 years, although the game has received updates on other platforms.
It received an update last month and another one today.
rainydaygaming: This title hasn't seen a patch in 4 years, although the game has received updates on other platforms.
ConsulCaesar: It received an update last month and another one today.
Yes so did I. The developers acted immediately upon my request. Turns out it was just the patch notes that needed updating in addition to an issue with GOG Galaxy's achievements in the macOS version of the game.