ssokolow: Yeah. 1.6.1 was the original one I was using with Unepic but it's built differently from the PlayOnLinux builds and, while it works fine with everything else, Unepic 1.47 somehow causes it to die while trying to contact the PulseAudio daemon (which I ripped out for being too buggy) before it even creates the window.
sunshinecorp: For some weird reason I can't stand PlayOnLinux and Wine recipes/bottles etc. much... so I am extra patient when games don't work, since I basically have to roll my own and accept that every Wine update could break things that were working or the opposite. Anyway, how did you get rid of PulseAudio? I can't find a way that doesn't break the system.
I generally install games which have no recipes. My main use for PlayOnLinux is as an easy way to give each game its own WINEPREFIX with varying Wine versions and as a way to keep my already long-enough-to-scroll Games menu from being twice as long.
At the moment, I'm still on Lubuntu 12.04 (been too overworked to risk breaking something with an upgrade to 14.04 LTS) and all it took was
sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio.
The libraries and config files against which everything links remain in place and fail over to bare ALSA and, with one exception (Skype 4.x), everything Just Works™.
(When I fire it up to start a voice call I've arranged via Pidgin, I use the statically linked Skype beta for which I re-acquired the tarball via Arch Linux's AUR.)
When it comes time to upgrade, I'll try a VirtualBox install and, if removing PulseAudio no longer works, I'll evaluate Debian, Arch, or a return to Gentoo. (Every single time I've tried that damn thing, it's had some stupid bug like pegging one of my CPU cores at 100% until killed because I had the audacity to run a game in Wine a few hours ago.)