fourohbro: I've been really enjoying this game and the story to it, but at the same time I'm becoming incredibly frustrated with how much the garden is punishing me wanting to be predominantly melee. I've dabbled a few skill points into my magic skills (as hard++ gives me more than I even need to spend) but these hordes of skeletons are just brutalizing me. I don't wanna reroll as a wizard if I don't have to, but if the rest of the game is going to force me to resort to chipping away at my enemies with paltry hit-and-run attacks, then I don't see why I should even bother continuing to use melee weapons. Is this absurdity gonna let up, or should I just reroll as a dress-wearing fool?
I found the following sphere of magic to be incredibly helpful in the game, especially the late game, listed by order of importance: Frost, Healing, Arcane, Fire, Alteration.
Frost, Healing & Fire are most useful at 10+, Arcane at 7+ and Alteration at 12+.
I'd say if you don't have a 10+ score in at least 3 well chosen magic spheres by late game, you'll encounter some seriously obstacles that might make you quit the game.
Good news is that by then, you'll probably have found the orb that allows you to reassign your skill points.
So piece of advice: Don't use that orb until you get really stuck with your current character and really need to reassign some skills.
PS: In my game, I was a warrior/mage with high score in health, armor, archery, polearm and mace, so you don't need to be strictly a mage to win the game, though I don't believe a pure warrior or almost pure warrior could win the game. Maybe someone with a severe case of OCD could manage it and that's a big maybe.