dfnehring: I have been playing Ultima 7 for a while now. I am still in Trinsic and working on the murder quest right after the game starts. My party members - Iolo and Spark - have begun to complain about food. I went to the inn and bought cakes, feeding each of them until they declined the food. However, a few minutes later they started to complain about being hungry again. I wonder whether this is normal or whether it may be a technical problem, due to my computer being to fast. I run the game on an Alienware M17XR3.
I'm having this issue with Iolo also, I'll try lowering the CPU speed as suggested, mine has run well cause I do notice shadows on lanterns and clouds move fairly quickly. But I reloaded from the beginning and got the password in one trip before hearing any complaints about food. I've only been able to feed Iolo once this play through. So I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in this.
Edit: +1 Mappi75 Dude that was the problem, Dosbox plays the game too fast, and we don't notice because we click to do everything. People shouldn't be so hard to talk to because they're moving around too much. Heh, I wonder what that value was meant for when the game came out?
I was running a 700Mhz processor when this game came out once upon a time. I wonder how that would be configured. Thanks again man.