grogerson: This ain't U3 or U4. There's no difference other than starting equipment and stats. Once you start cleansing the shrines the differences between starting classes vanish.
He was just referencing one of the running gags in Spoony(Noah Antwhiler) review of Ultima IX where he was poking fun at how ridiculous the game can be with the series history by pointing out a part where the Avatar can ask "What's a Paladin" despite having been in Britania numerous times and one of his own closet and dearest companions Dupre was a Paladin and so would have a idea of what a Paladin is.
It sorta became it's own little mini Meme So he found it funny that he is a Paladin despite the Avatar not having a clue what a Paladin is.
Aariana: What's a paladin?
Not knowing what a Paladin is? Yup that's a Paddlin..