I didn't notice that before your answer.
I see that also all the other titles, except the first three, now have the reference card. But i'm sure that you will add to them also.
Many Thanks for your speed to answer me in a so precise way.
Stevedog13: I had the same issues. I made this cheat sheet for myself.
Ultima 1
A Key attack (command must be followed by a direction, unless you're in a tower or dungeon)
B Key mount a horse or board a plane, ship or other form of transportation
C Key cast a spell (a spell must be readied using the (M) magic command and can only be cast in dungeons and towers)
D Key descend (go down a level in a dungeon or tower)
E Key enter a town, castle, dungeon or other landmark or read a sign (you must be standing on the entrance before entering)
F Key fire ship's guns
G Key get/pick up items (you must be standing on the item you wish to get)
H Key hyperspace (catapults your spaceship to the specified coordinates)
I Key ignite, light a torch
J Key jump up and down
K Key climb up a level in a dungeon or tower
L Key launch/land (toggles take-offs/landings (on grass only) in a plane or rocket)
M Key magic (readies a magic spell for casting)
N Key negate (stops time for all things farther than one square away from you if you possess a specific magic item)
O Key offer gold as payment or bribe
P Key or Spacebar pass (allows one game turn to pass without any action)
Q Key quit and save to disk (available only while on foot in the Earth's countryside)
R Key ready (equip weapon you own)
S Key steal (attempts to take items from stores without paying for them -- may or may not work for weapons, armor, food and transport)
T Key transact (initiate conversations or conduct business with townspeople, merchants and royalty -- must be followed by a direction command)
U Key unlock (open doors if you possess the keys -- you must indicate direction of door)
V Key view (toggles between normal view and bird's-eye view of town or planet -- you must possess the correct magical item to use this command)
W Key wear (put on a suit of armor that you own)
X Key exit (leave behind or dismount your current transport and travel on foot)
Y Key yell anything you can type (often used in combination with jump)
Z Key z-tats (displays your vital statistics, possessions, and spells -- also used to temporarily stop the passage of time in the game)
Up Arrow Key move north
Down Arrow Key move south
Up and Down Arrow Keys in Dungeon turn around
Left Arrow Key move west
Right Arrow Key move east
Ultima 3
A attack foe with "ready weapons" (must be followed by indicating the direction for the attack)
B board (mount a horse or board a frigate)
C cast a magic spell (must be followed by the player number except during combat, spell type (W/C) when needed, and the spell letter)
D descend (climb down a ladder to the next lower dungeon level)
E enter a town, castle, dungeon or other landmark
F fire a ship's cannons (after boarding) in direction indicated
G get chest/open chest (must be followed by the number of the player who will search for traps, open the chest, and acquire its contents)
H hand equipment (trades equipment between two players; followed by prompts to determine what is to be exchanged)
I ignite a torch
J join gold (gives all gold in party to player indicated)
K climb up a ladder in a dungeon
L look (identifies an object in a specified direction)
M modify order (exchanges the positions of any two players within the party)
N negate time (stops time for all outside of the party; requires a special item)
O other command (enter any command desired during gameplay)
P peer at a gem (shows players a bird's eye view of a town, castle, dungeon level or the outside world; one viewing per gem)
Q quit and save to disk (use command to stop playing -- from the outside world only -- and save your progress to disk; you can resume the game from this point)
R ready weapon for use in combat
S steal chests from behind store counters; success depends on skill
T transact; use to talk to townspeople or trade with merchants
U unlock and open doors if you have the key (must be followed by direction to door and the player whose key is to be used; one use per key)
V volume (toggles sound effects on and off)
W wear armor (outfits player with specified armor if owned)
X exit (leave behind or dismount your current transport and travel on foot)
Y yell any word desired
Z z-tats (displays your vital statistics, possessions and spells)
Spacebar pass one game turn without taking any action.
Up Arrow move north (move forward in dungeon)
Down Arrow move south (retreat in dungeon)
Left Arrow move west (turn left in dungeon)
Right Arrow move east (turn right in dungeon)
Excellent work indeed.
I'm sure that everyone will want to try for the first time this titles will be grateful to you both!