Posted November 19, 2016
PoE with both White March expansions is well over 100 hours--I've got 111 in it now according to the in-game timer, and I'm not finished yet! I'm just not into the whole "episodic" approach. If I knew that Tyranny right now would play for at least 60 hours or more I'd buy it. But I am not interested at all in a 15-hour game for much more than $9.99...;) But maybe this person was talking about blowing through the game--main quests exclusively. *Are* there "side quests" and so on? Just curious.
That said, this is not a super long game like Pillars of Eternity, but I quite enjoyed my first run and am enjoying my second even more! I don't normally buy games at release or for full price, but in this case I did to support the developers and I think I am getting reasonable value. That said, wait for a sale if you have any doubts at all!