trusteft: Are you talking about the camp where you first meet the two archons?
I haven't noticed any slowdown on my part, but I don't know the frame rate either.
LeonKillsAshley: No that's the Disfavored camp. You visit the Scarlet Chorus camp after you talk to Graven Ashe and the Voices of Nerat. I just reached another area that is just as bad as the Scarlet Chorus camp, though I won't mention the name because it could be considered a spoiler. It also has a lot of NPCs standing around for decoration.
Edit: I've been able to play even more, and I've visited an additional 2 areas with low fps. The most recent has me at 30 fps.
You are going to find this funny. Well, I do.
I haven't reached the area you were talking about, but, I just remembered that I use the in game frame limiter to 30fps anyway so I doubt I will see the drop to 45 anyway lol.