Stuff: Have you tried binding the action key to another key? (run the setup.exe and press the action button, enter new key) Possibly a conflict with the A key that may not happen with another key bound to Action.
Laptops and Netbooks can have some strange keyboard drivers so it may be worth a try.
Edit: Have you tried disconnecting from the internet and disabling your firewall and AV? My Comodo firewall is blocking access for my new game installs. Making the game exe a trusted file in Comodo usually fixes that problem though.
Well, I just upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, updated my graphics, chipset, and other drivers. The keyboard is listed as a "Standard PS/2 Keyboard" and the driver is supplied by Microsoft. Tried updating the driver but it's the latest one according to Microsoft and Acer doesn't list a seperate KB driver. So nothing out of the ordinary here as far as keyboard drivers go.
In short, I am still having the same issue just a different version of Windows 7.
Game is installed outside of Program Files, UAC is turned off, it's being run as admin, tried running it in Win95 mode, WinXP SP3 mode and so far the issue persists.