blaster97337: I don't remember which side its on (I haven't played TA in ages but am downloading it now :D) but the Peewee was defiantly my favorite unit, I don't think it was very good... in fact I'm sure there were a lot of things that could easily destroy whole armies of peewees but they were just so fun to use because they swarmed and fired really fast and made it look like you had a massive army! ...which then got a couple of shots from artillery land in the wrong place and most of them were dead... but it was fun :)
This guy has the only correct answer. ARM's Peewees were the best unit in the game, bar none. I used to employ them heavily in just about any army I made. Cheap, fast, and able to deal a surprising amount of damage if/when they closed with a target. Way better than the AK.
Why not talk about favorite defensive unit as well? I found the guardians to be my personal favorite emplacement. I always tried to go for the "best defense is a good offense" idea, but having artillery emplacements supporting my swarms of Tier 1 units allowed me to easily defeat armies that should walk all over me.