Gazoinks: Are there any mods you'd recommend for a first-time player? Obviously nothing that significantly changes the gameplay, but interface improvements and that sort of thing. Stuff that'd make it easier to learn and play.
TonyCubed: The normal interface is very basic, at least compared to games of today with stupid menu systems and so on.
You click the commander and start building, it's simple.
The interface in TA is fundamentally different even from competitors in its own time. There are no unified build menus. Every type of building unit or structure can have its own collection of objects. Groups are activated via Alt + x. Double-tapping won't centre the screen on the selected group. When you put a structure in a group, the units it produces will enter the group and the structure drops out. As far as I know, it is also not possible to strictly add units to a group when you select another crowd with shift + click. All previously selected objects, which are selected again per shift + click, will be deselected at the same time. Adding units to a group thus becomes difficult.
That's one of the reasons, why StarCraft is remembered as maybe the most memorable title in the RTS genre and not TA.
The keyboard commands are usually not complete and a small part of them is wrong.
If you are a looking for improvements of the interface, you might be looking for the patch hosted on